Here at akplumbers, we endeavor to be the most reliable, responsive and customer-centric qualified plumbers and heating engineers. Our engineers are fully qualified to Gas Safe standard, have years of experience in the industry.
We are akplumbers... of plumbers and construction workers. We can help you with plumbing problems and any other service related to plumbing and home Services.
With our 5-star satisfaction rating, we pride ourselves on being able to properly service your needs and your budget at all times of day - open 24/7. Check or FACEBOOK page.
Plumbing is any system that conveys fluids for a wide range of applications. Heating and coolingwaste removaland potable water delivery are among the most common uses for plumbing however plumbing’s not limited to these applications. Plumbing utilizes pipesvalvesplumbing fixturestanksand other apparatuses to convey fluids. Trades that work with plumbing such as plumbers and pipefitters are referred to the plumbing trade.
1- Emergency Services
2- Boiler Installation
3- plumber Service
4- Electrical Services
5- Landlords Certificates
6- Commercial Heating & Plumbing
7- Swimming Pool Service
8- Powerflush
9- Solar Thermal and PV
10- Heat Pumps
Every Company doesn't provider high quality services but ak plumbers provides reliable and excellent boiler services in my home. i also recommended by AK plumbers.
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Sehr Gut (5,00)
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Happy with their boiler engineers, got so quick and fixed the central heating very nicely.
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Profil aktiv seit 22.07.2019 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 25.09.2020
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