Amz Getaways

Vacation Rentals

Amz Getaways
10 Bewertungen i
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183 Bewertungen
veröffentlicht (5%)


Amz Getaways
18382 FM 306 Suite 103
Canyon Lake, Texas (TX) 78133
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Gwen or Mike

Bewertung vom 25.07.2020  
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut

10 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
The view of the water is amazing. House was very clean.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Gwen was great to work with. We appreciated the phone call the day after we arrived to make sure everything was fine. I spoke to her two additional times and found her to be very helpful and kind.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
4,75 von 5
Sehr Gut
Nice accommodation to rent. Good location! Gwen was really helpful with everything we needed. The only thing that needed some help was the futon and pans. Otherwise, the condo was nicely equipped with anything you would need on vacation.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
4,50 von 5
Sehr Gut
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and would definitely recommend to others. They really provide great customer service!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
4,83 von 5
Sehr Gut
The back of the home is located with an excellent panoramic view of the hill county with a nice deck and grill ideal for cookouts. As you wander out for that early coffee the local deer herd drifts into the yard to check on you. A short walk places you in line with a beautiful view of the Canyon Lake reservoir as it expands into the rolling hill country. The home is well kept and easily provides comfortable accommodations for six to eight people.
We were amazed with the full furnishings in place for bath, kitchen, and a full movie schedule available for use. Every item you needed was furnished and available for use at time of arrival.
Our stay was very enjoyable and we had the opportunity to meet several couples who extended sincere friendship for our stay.
We highly recommend the home and if our situation allows we would like to return during the winter holiday season.
We were fortunate to find these accommodations and appreciate the effort that the owners made to present there property in first class condition.
Laurel and Judy Husband
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
My contact with Amz Getaways, Gwen was amazing. Her attention to customer experience is incredible and truly makes the difference with a stay. The property is gorgeous and was perfect for our group. We hadn't even been there for a night and we were talking about our next trip to the home.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
4,20 von 5
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Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
4,75 von 5
Sehr Gut
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Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
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Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
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Amz Getaways Guest Check-Out Stay
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