HopeWell Psychological provides psychological therapy service to individuals and couples. We use various therapies, oftentimes using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (a trauma informed therapy).... We have built a strong reputation for providing the highest standards of service and specialize in working with clients who have experienced trauma (ie. veterans). HopeWell Clinicians also specialize in working with people who have experienced motor vehicle accidents and with people who are chronically ill or have chronic pain. All of our Psychologists are well educated and highly experienced in the field. We provide both in-person and online counselling (video counseling). Other services include anxiety therapy, depression therapy, stress counseling, trauma therapy, anger management, and grief counselling. You can learn to deal more effectively with life challenges. HopeWell Psychological therapists will deliver high quality, evidence-based services that you can rely on. Contact us to find out more about our Counselling Therapies.
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