Seattle Short Sale is when the homeowner sells their home for less than what it’s owed on their loan, and the lender accepts the amount as the payment in full. A Short Sale is a sales transaction in which the seller's mortgage lender agrees to... accept a payoff of less than the balance due on the loan. If you're considering the possibility of doing a short sale, we can explain your options and answer your short sale questions and concerns. Our experienced Seattle short sale Realtor will help you short sale your home with a full waiver of deficiency judgment from your lender. Short Sale requires unique skills for a real estate agent and the short sale approval can very much depend on how to negotiate with the lenders and buyer. Our Seattle short sale real estate agents specialize in negotiating with banks on behalf of homeowners. We have over hundreds of track record of getting our short sales approved and with favorable terms for our clients. Don’t wait! Time is against you in the foreclosure process. The sooner you start, the more options are available. Call us today for a free and confidential consultation with one of our knowledgeable and caring experts.
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