Shine Mortgages

Mortgage Broker, UK

Shine Mortgages
7 Bewertungen i
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8 Bewertungen
veröffentlicht (88%)
Shine Mortgages, the broking company, with its multiple offices across the UK, has an expansive range of mortgage deals to offer. It has assisted around 1 million people in finding their best mortgage deal. Through its panel of about 100 lenders,...


Shine Mortgages
78 Hyde Rd, Manchester, 
Manchester M12 6BH

Molly Harris

Bewertung vom 08.05.2020  
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut

7 Bewertungen auf
 (Letzte 24 Monate)

5,00 von 5
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Due to lock down after Corona I was literally very anxious about my mortgage application that was under process. I am availing a commercial mortgage through Shine Mortgages and I thought the lender will stop processing my application. I contacted to the broker, as I thought that I will get a bad news. But the broker gave me the commitment that it will keep my application under process. Yes the speed will be a bit slow but I don't have to start again when the lockdown is over. It really happened and I am happy because within 30 days I may get my loan.
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Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
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I am completely satisfied with the broking services of Shine Mortgages. You cannot skip any good deal if you are in contact of this broker. It has the reach across the UK. I am in Liverpool and have just purchased a home in Bristol to put it on rent. I got the cheapest deal on buy-to-let mortgage, that is why I could manage to pay 85% part of instalment from rent.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
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I always used to think negative about the brokers. But Shine Mortgages, gave me a new and positive side to think. Due to my bad credit score, I was not able to get a mortgage. I came to know that this broker helps people with credit score issues. I thought it will be very costly in its services, but I was stunned when the broker told that it takes no fee. The broker gave me workable suggestions to improve credit score. I did that for 3 months and got a boost in the credit rating. With 25 working days, I got not only the approval but also funds.
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Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
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I was not very happy with my current mortgage and I wanted to switch to a better deal with lower rates through remortgages. Shine Mortgages gave me lucrative options from its vast panel of 90+ lenders. The broker never gave me annoying calls for the formalities. It told me once about the necessary documents required, I provided them once and then it took care of everything perfectly. The complete deal was customised according to my repayment capacity. I am happy that at the right time I made a right choice. I am ready to recommend this broker to all out there for any sort of mortgage need.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
I really never expected that I will get such a great experience from ShineMortgages. In
fact, I was really not sure if I should go to a mortgage broker or not. But my first interaction with the
broker gave me positive vibes and then I kept going with Shine. My easy journey ended only once I got
my remortgage deal. I got the best price in the industry from the vast panel of the broker, which has 90+
lenders. It was not easy for me to find a lender as I was ignorant about the property market but Shine
made things easy for me.
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Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
Thanks for helping me out to get a mortgage with bad credit.
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Shine Mortgages
5,00 von 5
Sehr Gut
The best mortgage broker in the UK. Great service was given by Shine Mortgages.
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Shine Mortgages
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