I wasn't feeling line I especially needed coaching, but I was having some anxiety around interviewing for jobs in a difficult economic climate. I had a few interviews that went badly after I froze up. I felt I wasn't presenting myself authentically - but I was also assuming that was just me and that maybe I'm wired up to not handle those kinds of situations well.
The coaching sessions with Simon had a very clear structure. The actual process was very new to me and got into some unfamiliar territory, but I felt like I was being safely guided through the right steps. The first session laid the foundation and in the second session I got right to the point of things.
After a couple of coaching sessions I realised what I needed to work on and just got into it. Specifically, I practiced interview technique and looked for opportunities to put my ideas forward (posting online, etc). I've done a couple of interviews and I know I handled them very well. I actually enjoyed the conversations and I felt like I was presenting myself very authentically. It's a pretty massive shift.
Aufwand / Nutzen
Sehr Gut (5,00)
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
emTrace Coaching - creating breakthroughs to help you achieve your goals faster
Working with Simon has been an absolute pleasure, and his dual role as a scrum master and mental coach has greatly contributed to my personal and professional growth. Through his coaching sessions, I have been able to develop a healthier relationship with work and overcome previous challenges of high stress and dissatisfaction.
Simon's guidance has been invaluable in teaching me how to handle difficult situations with a newfound sense of calmness and positivity. His advice went beyond the realms of psychology and emotions, extending to practical and tangible techniques. Specifically, I learned the importance of mindful breathing and actively managing my emotions, which have proven to be transformative in navigating challenging moments.
Overall, I cannot stress enough how positively impactful this experience has been. The insights and advice I received from Simon will undoubtedly remain with me throughout my entire career.
Simon hat einen positiven Einfluss auf unser Team und unsere Arbeit. Als Scrum Master und professioneller Coach hat er unähnliche Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen, um das Team zu unterstützen und zu verbessern.
Sein Fokus auf die Verbesserung der Denkweise im Team und die proaktive Ansprache der Stakeholder waren wichtige Schritte, um die Effizienz und Effektivität des Teams zu steigern.
Das Team ist glücklicher und motivierter und die Performance und Lieferung an Kunden wurden verbessert. Das sind alles wichtige Faktoren, um erfolgreich zu sein und ein Produkt von hoher Qualität zu liefern.
Hi, I had sessions with Simon and it was amazing experience.
I had different types of sessions, on which I were improving my skills, or solving some difficulties.
One of them was need to improve my time management and year planning.
I had a few sessions where Simon showed me how better formulate my goals per week/month/year which will motivate me to deliver these goals. He showed me how to prioritize it, how to put them in correct order.
After this sessions I found that I have better understanding which goal I could deliver faster and it will make my performance better. My month planning is better organized and there are more tasks delivered now.
Also one of problems where Simon helped me, was work with my personal fear. After this session, I see that it is partially gone. I hope if I will continue do exercises described by Simon my fear will completely go away.
Simon helped me a lot with a motivation on doing some regular tasks, now I see I have some schedule which I am trying to keep.
In sessions we had nice and comfortable atmosphere, it was never been boring!
I really recommend Simon as a coach!
Thank you Simon for this nice experience :)
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Profil aktiv seit 24.06.2022 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.12.2023
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