My homepage was very good, I always thought. For my previous orders, that was certainly the case, but since I repositioned myself, I needed a landing page with sentences that would arouse curiosity. "I can do it alone", I thought even then.
No way. There it was, the knot in my head. So, I had to get support. But from where? While scrolling through Instagram, I came across Bianca.
Well, actually, I got stuck on her gorgeous green, then on her. I subscribed to her newsletter, read through her writing, watched her videos, listened to her podcast. Jo. She has a delightfully refreshing way about her that suits me and my product. She's not off-the-shelf, she has her own and distinctive style. ... and that's a good thing. I'm not off the peg either. I booked a meeting with her, clarified the context and got started. It's that simple.
My top 3 for the purchase decision: I had it in my hands when and how to contact her; I could read, see and hear enough about her beforehand; I like her recognition green.
My top 3 to Bianca personally: creative, flexible and delightfully straightforward, yet highly professional.
My top 3 to our work: effective and efficient, super preparation (checklist), 1 power day that didn't end until we were done.
My top 3 to your offer: price-performance fits great, follow-up perfect, got a lot of content.
I recommend Bianca 100%.
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