The trainer is trying hard and apparently hasn't been doing it that long. Slowly, she is getting more and more involved. In my opinion, she thinks too much about how to please everyone. But it doesn't work that way. You decide to train with you, and as a parent you have to abide by the rules that I should also tell my child. My son likes to go to the training and has a lot of fun. He likes the trainer which is also important for me. Nevertheless, I have to say that the difference to Remscheid is enormous. In Remscheid, I was positively surprised at how disciplined the little ones are and how they listen to what you tell them. Again, unfortunately, I also have to say that there were two trainers in Remscheid. One trainer alone cannot manage 16 children, this is not the rule in Lennep. But there the chaos is preprogrammed. Maybe you think about putting a second trainer aside from time to time or just take a look at the camera, if it is not a dummy, and make your own picture if it meets your requirements.
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