For you, your work is more than just earning money, exercising power and driving a big car:
- You want to see meaning in what you do.
- You want to be the leader you would like to follow.
But no matter how hard you try:
Sometimes it feels like you're in a maze with no way out:
Everything you do just leads to the next obstacle - or the next dead end.
Make an impact. Shape and make a difference. Developing employees.
That's what you set out to do. And now?
You don't want to carry on like this!
The framework conditions are limiting you, your team isn't going along with you, the feeling of fulfillment, satisfaction and purpose has diminished - you imagined things differently!
Sometimes you ask yourself the frustrating question: What's the point?
Always having no time to fulfill your actual management task, always exposed to pressure from above and below, torn between solidarity with your team and decisions from higher up - which you often have to justify against your own inner resistance.
Day-to-day management leaves you no breathing space, but the leadership task NEEDS this breathing space.
Let's organize your work in such a way that it makes you completely satisfied again. Just like you imagined when you started out as a manager full of idealism.