If you need help with optimize maintenance, repair and operations, we can reduce costs and improve performance in your business. We're still improving and to be better for you we developed the “OPTIBA” project.
Maintaining traffic in your... machine park through services and selling parts is our goal. Thanks to experience and many years of cooperation with huge companies we understand the nuances of the spare parts market as well as we know what production companies require.
What can you gain through cooperation?
1. The best prices on the market.
2. The possibility to negotiate prices.
3. Our constantly growing product range.
3. Products from around the world, both in the European market and in the United States and China.
the highest quality of products at competitive pricesbearingsindustrial filtersengines and gearsrental of machineprofessional auditsphotographic documentation of spare parts
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Profil aktywny od 03.03.2020 | Ostatnia aktualizacja: 08.06.2020
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