The support provided by the Berlin-Brandenburg regional office, Mr. Wand, is excellent. When problems are identified, he reacts quickly and in a solution-oriented manner. There is very good communication and overall a very trusting cooperation. This was particularly evident in some difficult situations during the months of the Corona pandemic. We would like to express our thanks to him for this. The quality of the nursing staff has so far been good overall, with one exception, but is also characterized by major differences, particularly in terms of sense of responsibility, willingness to perform, social skills and language requirements. At present, however, after some turbulence, we have achieved good to very good care from the nursing staff on site. So far, there has been a major problem with adherence to schedules in one case, but this was resolved promptly by Mr. Wand from the regional office. It seems to us that in the months of the Corona pandemic there were problems on the Polish side with the communication and control to secure the planned personnel changes, both with regard to the planned candidates themselves and the direct handling of the change by the driving services, with all understanding for the complexity of the situation in some cases. Overall, however, we are satisfied with the cooperation in recent months.
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