Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten

Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Autor

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Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten - Expert for sustainability and cybersecurity


Contact information

Speakers Excellence Deutschland Holding GmbH
Adlerstrasse 41
70199 Stuttgart

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4 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Die Podcast-Folge mit Erlijn war großartig! Eine tolle Gesprächspartnerin. Sie trifft mit dem Thema den Zahn der Zeit! Erlijn hat alle Fragen mit fundiertem Inhalt, Beispielen aus der Praxis und einer Prise Humor beantwortet.
Customer review & rating for:
Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten als Cybersecurity Podcast Gast
11/25/2024Richard Seidl
5.00 out of 5
As I got the privilage to get to know here:
Helpful, Carrying, Experienced, Highly motivated, Cooperative, Creative, and Goal Oriented and Initiatory, and pays high attention to the environment on multiple Field.
Customer review & rating for:
Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten als Trainerin im Bereich Cybersicherheit
5.00 out of 5
"Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten is an absolutely exceptional lecturer! Her way of conveying complex content in an understandable and at the same time exciting way is unique. I was particularly impressed by her ability to respond individually to the needs of the participants and to create a learning atmosphere that is both motivating and supportive. Her expertise and passion for the subject are palpable at every moment. I would recommend Dr. van Genuchten at any time - she is the perfect blend of professionalism, commitment and humanity;
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Customer review & rating for:
Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten als Trainerin im Bereich Cybersicherheit
5.00 out of 5
I experienced her during a lecture/tutorial. I was totally impressed by her performance. It wasn't just that she showed a great deal of in-depth knowledge. I was particularly impressed by her style of presenting the content and involving the audience.
There was never a dull moment during the 90 minutes. She delivered the content in a lively, vivid and clear manner. She was open to questions and ideas from the audience and kept the atmosphere lively with humorous remarks.
I left the tutorial feeling very inspired.
Customer review & rating for:
Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten als Sprecherin im Bereich Cybersecurity
11/20/2024Matthias Amann
1 Review from
1 other source
5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
1 review on Amazon
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