Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf

Free funeral speeches at funerals and memorial services

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I see myself as a partner in grief, as a companion on the path to a successful, individual farewell.
I listen respectfully and empathetically and find the right words and the right tone at the crucial moment. Every life, every story is valuable...

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Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
Belziger Straße 50
10823 Berlin

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Dr. Johann-Jakob

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8 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Dear Mr. Wulf,
Thank you very much for the beautiful eulogy you wrote and delivered for my stepfather.
I felt very comfortable during our conversations, whether in person, on the phone or by email.
Thanks to your questionnaire, I was able to prepare myself well and reflect on my stepfather's life in peace.
At our personal meeting, you listened patiently and asked specific questions to bring out one or two stories or anecdotes that I had forgotten myself.
When you gave the eulogy in the chapel, I had the feeling that you had known my stepfather personally.
Family members and closest friends were full of praise and very touched by how beautifully you prepared and delivered the speech.
I will definitely recommend you to others.
Thank you for making this sad day more beautiful with your speech.
O. Kölm
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
09/16/2024O. K.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Dr. Wulf,
Thank you very much for the successful and sensitive eulogy. You reviewed my husband's life very well, as we had wished, so that every mourner could feel involved in the speech. Your speech contributed greatly to the success of the funeral service.
Best regards
Ursula Wurm and family
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
5.00 out of 5
Dr. Wulf gave the eulogy at my husband's farewell and funeral. He painted a sensitive and positive picture of my husband. The speech was lightened up with humor and anecdotes and everyone was led to a positive level or memory.
All the mourners found the speech very good and appropriate and will remember it as a "beautiful funeral service". Thank you very much !
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
08/25/2024Christiane S.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Mr. Wulf,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the funeral service.

Thanks to the detailed preparation with the help of your questionnaire about the life of our mother and grandmother, which we discussed and answered in the closest family circle, you were able to ask us sensitive and precise questions in a personal conversation, which both explored the rich life of our mother and grandmother and shed light on the respective relationships with her.

In addition, the way you dealt with our questions enabled us as a family to take a further, very important step in our grieving process.

Your sensitive and at the same time completely unobtrusive way of conducting the conversation elicited very individual memories from us. With this extensive information, you were able to paint an extraordinary, emotional, multi-faceted and dignified picture of our mother and grandmother in your speech, presenting the story of a long life in an affirming, hopeful and appreciative manner.

During the speech, you could see approval, sympathy and smiles on the faces of the mourners. Everyone found your words comforting, highly accurate, conciliatory and absolutely coherent. Everyone was very happy with the choice of speaker.

Thank you once again for your highly competent and caring guidance through a difficult time.
Family O.
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
08/20/2024Kerstin O.
5.00 out of 5
We would like to thank Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf for his warm, thoughtful, humorous, approachable, personal and appreciative speech at my mother's funeral service. Many thanks for the personal and supportive care given to my brother and me. For all the good suggestions and attentive advice in all matters relating to this emotionally difficult day for us all.

The guests were full of praise for this great speech - some even said it was the best eulogy they had ever heard. We remembered my mother in a relaxed and loving way at the ceremony that followed. Thank you for making this possible.
Thank you for supporting us so warmly on this day.
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Customer review & rating for:
Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
5.00 out of 5
Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf gave the eulogy at our father's funeral in February 2024. His words gave us comfort and helped us to come to terms with the sudden death. In his speech, Mr. Wulf embedded our father's life in the historical context and thus we were once again made aware of our father's personal history with all its ups and downs. We all miss him very much.
We would like to thank Mr. Wulf for his condolences.
On behalf of all relatives
Angela Schmole
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
5.00 out of 5
Dr. Johann- Jakob Wulf is highly recommended as a funeral speaker! We were very touched by his speech at the funeral and found it to be very sophisticated and sensitive. He also included little anecdotes and quotes. We only received positive feedback from the family and friends present. Mr. Wulf takes a lot of time for the preparation and is very empathetic in his approach. We are completely satisfied and happy with the way the funeral went. Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
06/17/2024Carsten R.
5.00 out of 5
Dear Dr. Wulf,
Today I would like to thank you once again for your support over the past few weeks. You were a very pleasant listener and helped me and my family to come to terms with the initial great pain.
I am also very grateful for the dignified speech, which reflected my husband as he was and as everyone knew him.
It was good that the mourners also had a smile on their faces when everyone was able to hold on to a beautiful memory.
Thank you once again
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Customer review & rating for:
Trauerredner Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf
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All reviews and experiences about Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf are the subjective opinions of those who compose and submit them  |  The profile owner is responsible for the contents of this page  |   Profile active since 01/30/2024  |  Last update: 10/05/2024   |  Report profile

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