enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher

Photovoltaics, electricity storage, charging technology, electricity cloud

Contact information
Photovoltaik und Stromspeicher Rhein-Neckar. enerix bietet für die Region Heidelberg und in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar Lösungen für eine dezentrale Stromversorgung. Photovoltaikanlagen, Solarstromspeicher, Infrarotheizungen oder Wallboxen...

Contact information

enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
Industriestr. 21
69245 Bammental

Contact person
Andreas Lang

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on ProvenExpert.com
5 stars 16
3 stars 0
1 star 3
Good (4.13)
Cost-performance ratio
Good (4.11)
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4.75 out of 5
4 Reviews

Customer satisfaction

4.75 out of 5
4 Reviews

Customer loyalty

4.75 out of 5
4 Reviews

23 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.07 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
We received comprehensive and competent advice from Mr. Lang.
The fact that we were ultimately unable to conclude a deal was due to the fact that we were unable to decide on the installation of a photovoltaic system at the time.
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
4.98 out of 5
Professional competence, customer satisfaction and goodwill are top priorities at ENERIX.
And when detailed technical information is available online - as with our RCT system
is available online, no wish remains unfulfilled.

Conclusion: Gladly again !!!
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mr. Fürst,
thank you very much for your great review, always happy to return.
Sunny greetings
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
Andreas Lang
4.80 out of 5
Now we are satisfied. Unfortunately, the material procurement took a while, but that had more to do with the world market situation (Corona, supply bottlenecks) than with Enerix. The employees were always available and quick to respond to problems.
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mrs. Völker, thank you very much for your great review, this is very important for prospective buyers.
Sunny greetings
Team Enerix Rhine-Neckar
5.00 out of 5
Last year we had a power storage system from e3dc and this year we had an expansion of our PV system planned and implemented through Enerix Rhein-Neckar.

Everyone involved is extremely competent, trustworthy and reliable. (this is not always the case in the industry).

When we had initial problems with the storage system, we were actively supported and in the meantime everything is running perfectly.

If you are ready for active cooperation, you can't do much wrong with this company and such projects simply also require the customer to think along and communicate openly.

Many thanks
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
11/02/2023Stefan Michaelis
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello dear Mr. Michaelis,
thank you very much for your top comment, we wish always good yield and high self-sufficiency.
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
5.00 out of 5
I was very satisfied with the handling and support.
Only the memory took a long time to arrive.
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
09/24/2023Harald Pfeil
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mr. Pfeil,
Thank you for your great review, we always wish best returns.
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
5.00 out of 5
I think the enerix concept of offering PV systems and storage with German, high-quality components is great. Enerix Rhein-Neckar convinced me with their objective and constructive cooperation. The communication during the project (including availability by phone!) worked great - friendly and reliable!
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
07/12/2023Andreas Treiber
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mr. Treiber, thank you for your great review, wish always good yields and high self-sufficiency.
Enerix Rhine-Neckar Andreas Lang
5.00 out of 5
we felt very comfortable with the consultation and all preliminary discussions. The guys on the roof have worked great and super clean.

The electronic technicians who installed the storage were also there on time and did their job cleanly and carefully.

Many thanks
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
01/31/2023Michael KLEIN
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mr. Klein,
Thanks for your great review, wish always good yields and high self-sufficiency.
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
Andreas Lang
5.00 out of 5
From planning to implementation, everything worked out wonderfully.
Of course, we had to expect longer waiting times, but in the end we are more than satisfied.
There were no questions left unanswered, as everything always worked flawlessly in terms of communication.
We would recommend the company Enerix Rhein Neckar to anyone.
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
10/26/2022Fam. Montano
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Fam. Montano
thank you for the excellent evaluation.
I wish you the best returns.
Your review will help many customers.

Yours sincerely, Enerix Rhein Neckar A. Lang
1.00 out of 5
After two and a half weeks, I surprisingly received an e-mail from Mr. Lang and his employee - unfortunately, the sender and signer of the e-mail did not match. In it, I was asked to fill out an online questionnaire.

The questionnaire tool was a bit strange in its presentation. After answering all the questions, the tool told me that I did not fit into the scheme and that they did not want to do business with me.

The whole appearance seems extremely unprofessional to me.
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Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello dear Mr. Andreas,
Thank you for your interest in our products and services, also I would like to thank you for your two minutes of attention which you had to spend to fill out our questionnaire, our answer to you was:
We must be honest with you, we can not process your request further, your answers unfortunately do not meet our main criteria.We wish you every success with your photovoltaic project Enerix Rhein-Neckar

With the current flood of inquiries we have to make a pre-selection this has worked with you, our approach is praised and rated as very timely and professional by our customers.
If they do not find themselves it is probably best as it is.
Greetings from Bammental
Andreas Lang
5.00 out of 5
Auf unserem Haus wurde vor 1,5 Jahren eine PV Anlage für den Eigenbedarf installiert, die seitdem problemlos läuft. Wir sind mit dem angebotenem PV Paket ( Beratung , Auslegung, Beschaffung und Montage ) sehr zufrieden und können die Firma mit dem Geschäftsführer Herr Lang nur empfehlen.
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Dankeschön für die tolle Bewertung, das hilft vielen suchenden Kunden für Ihre Entscheidung.
1.60 out of 5
Beratung und Angebotsabgabe waren gut. Nach Auftragserteilung und der ersten großen Anzahlung ging der Ärger los. Dilletantische Auftragsabwicklung, nach 4 Wochen ist die neue Holzpergola noch immer im Regen und kein Ende des Auftrags in Sicht. Kontakt sehr mangelhaft, Infos gibt es immer erst nach tagelangem Warten auf mehrfache Nachfrage. Die Monteure haben kaum Erfahrung und montieren viele Teile falsch oder mehrmals, bis irgendwas funktioniert.
Bis jetzt produziert die Anlage noch nichts und hat nur viel Geld gekostet.
Kann nur abraten von einem Auftrag an diese Enerix - Niederlassung.
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Andreas Landmann,
vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Jede Kundenrückmeldung ist uns wichtig, auch wenn sie in diesem Fall nicht gut ist und es tut uns leid, dass Sie eine solche Erfahrung gemacht haben. Hierfür möchten wir uns bei Ihnen entschuldigen!
Ich habe mir den Vorgang Ihres Projekts von den Kollegen schildern lassen und Sie haben mit Ihrer Kritik recht, dass dabei ein paar Fehler aufgetreten sind, die aber zu einem Großteil nicht in der Verantwortung der Kollegen liegen. Leider hat das schlechte Wetter, die aktuellen weltweiten Lieferengpässe und Corona uns einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. Die Kollegen waren aber zu jedem Zeitpunkt bemüht Ihren speziellen Auftrag im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten ordentlich abzuwickeln. Die Kritik der besseren Kommunikation nehmen wir deshalb gerne an.
Um den Auftrag nun zu einem positiven Ende zu bringen, wäre eine freundliche und respektvolle Kommunikation sehr hilfreich.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter Knuth
1.00 out of 5
Erstes Telefonat sehr gut. Ab dann hat die Firma nicht auf Emails geantwortet. So kann kein Geschäft zu Stande kommen... Schade
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
4.00 out of 5
Hr. Lang hat uns umfassend und kompetent beraten.
Das wir uns dann dennoch für einen Anbieter aus nächster Nähe entschieden haben, war unsere persönliche Entscheidung im Hinblick auf etwaige künftige Ausfälle und Probleme.
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
11/23/2019W. Veith
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Danke Herr Veith für Ihre Bewertung,
4.53 out of 5
Die Anlage läuft einwandfrei und übertrifft unsere Erwartungen.
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
11/19/2019Hans-Jürgen Fechtmann
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Herzlichen Dank Herr Fechtmann für Ihre Bewertung
4.18 out of 5
mit dem Ansprechpartner H.Lang war ich sehr zufrieden
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Danke Familie Neidig für die Bewertung
4.88 out of 5
Alles gut gelaufen.
Im Nachhinein ist der Fronius Symo 17,5 Wechselrichter etwas zu laut.
Herr Lang bemüht sich sehr um Abhillfe.
Empfehle Herr Lang und Fa. Enerix jederzeit weiter
Customer review & rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
11/19/2019Rudolf Mayer
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Danke für die tolle Bewertung
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
1.88 out of 5
Rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Anonymous,
unfortunately I don't know you personally therefore it is not possible for me to comment objectively on your rating.
Greetings from Bammental
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
Andreas Lang
1.20 out of 5
Rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Hello Mr. Anonymous,
unfortunately I do not know if we know each other at all, so I can not understand your assessment.
Please contact us to clarify the situation.
Thank you
Enerix Rhine-Neckar
Andreas Lang
4.60 out of 5
Rating for:
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher
enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher Comment from enerix Rhein-Neckar - Photovoltaik & Stromspeicher:
Thank you for the great review, this will help many searching customers for their decision.
from Bammental
Andreas Lang
8 Reviews from
1 other source
4.00 out of 5
4.00 out of 5
8 reviews on Google
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