Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH


Contact information

Contact information

Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH
Neckarstraße 15
74847 Obrigheim

Contact person
Agim Toljaj

on ProvenExpert.com
3 stars 0
2 stars 0
1 star 0
Customer service
Excellent (5.00)
Cost-performance ratio
Excellent (4.80)

7 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

4.89 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
The service was impeccable throughout and we can recommend the company without reservation. Communication was very professional, friendly, helpful and reliable right from the start (including with Ms. Lokietz). Making an appointment went smoothly and was very accommodating.
The leak detection by Mr. Domin was carried out very professionally, competently, cleanly and, above all, successfully. We are grateful for the great and helpful support in such a situation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
08/29/2024Lena S.
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Hello and thank you very much for such great feedback.
5.00 out of 5
Absolutely reliable, quick appointment.
Mr. Domin dealt very competently with the search for our leak, which another company had not found after two leak detections. Very friendly and trustworthy. He carried out his work very carefully using the latest technology to keep the damaged area as small as possible. He also provided further advice on repair.
I would recommend him at any time. Thank you very much for your help 🙏😊
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Many thanks to you for this great review
5.00 out of 5
Another company had previously been on site and was unable to find the leak. Mr. Domin from Locatec located the problem immediately. Thank you very much - 》without reservation to recommend !!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
08/17/2024Sven B.
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Thanks for this strong review! 👍
5.00 out of 5
Super employees!
Found the leak, sealed it and explained everything!
Many thanks!
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
07/16/2024Claudia R.
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Thanks for the great review
5.00 out of 5
Adherence to deadlines, good advice, good equipment, friendly, competent appearance, clean work.
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Thank you for the honest review
5.00 out of 5
We can only agree with the previous positive reviews. The service is absolutely competent, professional, fast and clean - it couldn't be better.
In our emergency situation, Mr. Domin was right on the spot. His friendly and communicative manner underlines how much he enjoys his job.
His craftsmanship paired with the latest technological equipment leads to excellent results.
We also honor this with 5 stars and will warmly recommend him to our family and friends.
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Customer review & rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
06/27/2024Nüllay A.
Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH Comment from Locatec Heilbronn - Blockado GmbH:
Thank you very much for the great review! I should also pass on 5 stars to you from Mr. Domin.
4.20 out of 5
Rating for:
Locatec Heilbronn – Blockado GmbH
8 Reviews from
1 other source
4.50 out of 5
4.50 out of 5
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