I would have liked to have met Mr. Ruhtenberg much earlier, then I could have saved myself numerous useless appointments with other doctors. Mr. Ruhtenberg is the first doctor in my life (I am 55 years old) to take his time and not just treat my issues in the traditional way of conventional medicine (i.e. treating symptoms and not the cause). After the very targeted replenishment of my vitamin and mineral deposits, the intake of amino acids and increased sporting activities (Mr. Ruhtenberg arranged a personal trainer for me), I feel at least 20 years younger and much more fit. My pulse and blood pressure have actually normalized and are now even above average. All the other doctors only wanted to prescribe antihypertensives etc. and actually considered everything to be age-appropriate. Unbelievable, really, and we still live in a country with above-average medical care.
Real healing and not just symptomatic treatment is possible if a doctor understands holistic medicine and treatment and the patient is prepared to make lasting changes! Other doctors would only have made me really ill with their pills. Fortunately, I listened to my mind and was lucky enough to find the right doctor after all. Thank you very much for everything Mr. Ruhtenberg! Meik Mewes
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