Mistakes happen at Rentablo, as they do at other companies. But what makes them a likeable company and excellent business partner is how they handle it. If one writes to them, the mail is read and understood by people. Replies hit the mark, clarification takes longer, intermediate info is even given without prompting. In the B2C sector a true luxury!
If you don't value this so much, you get very fair kickback conditions, speedy order processing and good transparency. I have not been around long enough to reach a settlement date, but now in the "onboarding phase" they were really good - two other fund discounters I found before Rentablo did not come close to that. Rentablo is the clear recommendation if you still rely on funds as an investment.
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I look forward to your feedback afterwards and remain with profitable greetings from Berlin,
Your André Rabenstein
- Managing Director; rentablo.de -