A must for anyone who wants to (have) a prefabricated house built! It is worth involving the team of experts in the project right from the start. At the very beginning, of course, it was good to find out what is realistically possible with the set budget. House sellers are not always completely objective in this matter. The many tips on what to look for when planning and selecting a supplier are so compact and to the point that you won't find anywhere else, whether in reference books, on blogs, or anywhere else. Not to mention the exciting insider information from the industry. When comparing offers, it also helps immensely to have someone who can first compare the offers and who knows how to interpret certain formulations and what the price-performance ratio really is in the offer. At the end of our contract award phase, we also benefited from the tips on how to optimize the terms and conditions of the contract for work. And the information on whom to contact specifically at the house manufacturer to negotiate prices and how to argue was really worth its weight in gold.
When the house was finally built, we called in Tobias Beuler to inspect the shell. We can only recommend this as well. We would never have thought of the points he checked. Even the foreman said he had never seen anyone look so closely. And he really did have several years of professional experience under his belt. The points found were documented in a photo log and could thus be constructively addressed together with our house manufacturer.
The inspection of the shell of the house went so well that Tobias immediately said that we wouldn't really need him for the final inspection and that we should rather invest the fee in the furnishings - it couldn't have been fairer and more honest.
The prices for the services of the prefabricated house experts may not seem cheap at first glance - but in my opinion, you have to put them in relation to the costs that you risk if you go into a project like the construction of a single-family house without professional and, above all, independent support. Such a smooth house construction as in our case is certainly not the rule - then you are glad if you have a professional on your side, who can speak at eye level with the construction companies. As with everything in life, the same applies to prefabricated house construction - you don't have to be an expert yourself, as long as you know who to talk to.
Our tip: Before you eagerly start clicking together the desired services in the web store and perhaps pay in advance, first contact the team by mail or phone. One can consider then together with the Fertighausexperte team, which achievements when are meaningful and also without problems after achievement contribution by calculation pay. There is no attempt to talk up a consultation or other additional service, quite the opposite (see above). And on this occasion you can also talk about the price, as always when building a house.
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