Nationwide glazing service 24h glass emergency service / emergency glazing
in case of glass damage due to burglary, storm or accident
24h emergency glazing | repair glazing
Door glass - window glass - shop window glass
Direct settlement with the insurance company.
The friendly Glasengel Partner glaziery is on duty for you around the clock.
Fast and at fair prices. Your experts for glazing services.
Glasengel Partner Glazier repairs your glass damage with first-class craftsmanship.
Around the clock, even on weekends and holidays.
Call us toll-free at 0800 - 3338889 and already
a Glasengel Partner glazier will be on his way to you.
Glasengel Partner Glazier is available around the clock as an emergency glass service for you to secure the resulting glass damage as quickly as possible by an emergency glazing / emergency casing, whereby the broken glass is
safely disposed of.
Outside the glass emergency service times the Glasengel partner glaziery replaces to you
replaces the emergency glazing / emergency boarding at short notice with a high-quality repair glazing.
If the glass damage is insured, we will bill our services directly to the responsible
glass breakage, household contents, building or liability insurance.
Take advantage of our all-round service now and call us toll-free at 0800-3338889.