Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®

Soulful Brand Mentor - Grow Happy like a Rich Hippie

Welcome to Omoora, the sanctuary where independent, free-spirited women transform into empowered entrepreneurs, led by Sonja Williamson, The Soulful Brand Mentor. Embrace our 'Grow Happy Like a Rich Hippie' mantra, finding harmony in work-life...


Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
Attenhauser Str. 7a
82057 Icking

Sonja Maria Williamson


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9 Bewertungen auf

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5,00 von 5
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I was very impressesed by Sonja's abilty to open people up and to get to the (their) nitty gritty as soon as they started talking. Very soulful and deeply healing. Personally I found Sonja made it easy for me to talk about myself and feel understood. I also loved sharing the experience with like minded souls and being part of their journey.
Lucy Byatt
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
16.05.2024Lucy B.
5,00 von 5
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Such deep, heartfelt conversations and magical realizations happen only with very special people, holding very special spaces, with their very unique energy. I appreciate Sonja's unique eye for the Soul and her pointed insight with words that go straight to the heart and only Soul can understand beyond the end of the phrase. Thank you Sonja!
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
26.04.2024Ana P.
5,00 von 5
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Insightful, personable, clear
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
25.04.2024Moira N.
5,00 von 5
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Sonja has this vibrant energy that inspire you to create your life and marketing from the heart. She truly cares about your journey and is determined to add her unique "grain of sand" to make the world a better place. I really enjoyed the workshop and can't wait to learn more. Thank you!
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
5,00 von 5
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Sonja has an amazing way of connecting with people and with what is said, without judgement and with kindness. Her professionalism really shines through. I warmly recommend connecting with Sonja. In just an hour she offered valuable insight and a fresh point of view.
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
5,00 von 5
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So much gratitude for the attention, time and space that Sonja so generously gifted on her free Soul's Brand Workshop to both myself and one other participant.

I was given the opportunity to speak a lot of my personal story and as a result, of Sonja's professional experience and insightfulness, I have come away with a great deal of the clarity that I have been seeking, and lacking, since entering into the Life Coaching entrepreneurial arena over a year ago.

I now feel more empowered to empower others by finally knowing what to say and, more importantly, who to say it to, in a way that I can get on board with.

Overall I found Sonja, and her husband Mark-who-takes-care-of-IT, energy to be very grounding, centring and inspiring!

I absolutely recommend and I am definitely following for more!! 💖😎✌️
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
10.04.2024Jo M.
5,00 von 5
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I liked Sonja's confidence and clarity, she clearly has a lot of knowledge and loves sharing it. I learned a few specific key points in our time together and she gave very good answers to my questions. Really appreciate it.
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
5,00 von 5
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Just would like to say a huge thank you Sonja, the Soul Brand workshop was amazing in starting my journey to understanding the essence of my soul brand.

And before the Power Day I struggled with trying to figure out my brand & marketing logically and was getting nowhere fast, and after the Power Day I feel now such a relief that I don’t have to fit into how others did their brands & marketing, that I can find my own way, and I can be myself and weave my soul resonance into my brand, in a creative way, that can actually have an unfair advantage in the marketplace. - a complete miracle to me..! This is so liberating and I feel that the way to stand out in the sea of internet-noise is to radiate our unique soul essence into the world, but with the rational side of real-world marketing.
I learned incredibly valuable information about branding in general, my soul’s brand and how to bring it into my business and into my marketing and branding. I managed to glimpse and feel the world of this brand - which I didn’t even know was a possibility. Thank you so much!
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
23.03.2024Esté C.
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Sonja Maria Williamson | Omoora®
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