Hair Transplant Services

10 Reviews i
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out of 15 reviews
Contact information
- A General Member of the World FUE Institute, Dr. Dogan Turan is one of the first practitioners of the choi pen or implanter pen method which is also known as DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) in Turkey.
- He started his career in the world of hair...

Contact information

Sarayardi Cad. No:13
34718 Istanbul

Review from 01/03/2020  
5.00 out of 5

10 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com
 (last 24 months)

5.00 out of 5
The service was brilliant, everything ran so smoothly and I didnt have to worry about a thing which made it a more enjoyable experience
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Ich habe meine 2. Haartransplantation über dieses Unternehmen gebucht und von Dr. Dogan Turan durchführen lassen.
Nachdem meine erste Haartransplantation in Istanbul bei einer anderen Klinik leider kein zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis hervor gebracht hat, war es mir wichtig eine Klinik zu finden in der die OP primär von dem Arzt durchgeführt wird und sich auf einen Patienten am Tag beschränkt. Die meisten Kliniken dieser Preisklasse in der Türkei lassen ihre OPs nur von Krankenschwestern durchführen und der Arzt überwacht die Vorgänge lediglich. Das ist hier nicht der Fall!
Alle relevanten Arbeitsschritte führt der Dr. selbst durch, er ist immer zugegen und das Personal das ihm unterstützend zur Hand geht scheint sehr kompetent zu sein. Hier fokussiert man sich auf Qualität statt auf Quantität, was bedeutet der Patient wird nicht als Nummer gesehen. Das Personal agiert auf höchstem Niveau professionell und ein gutes Ergebnis steht für die Mitarbeiter absolut im Vordergrund. Selbst wenn das wie in meinem Fall heißt dass spontan, notwendiger Weise entschieden wird ca. 1000 Grafts mehr einzusetzen als ursprünglich geplant und die OP dadurch ein paar Stunden länger dauert als vorgesehen.
Ich kann diese Klinik jedem empfehlen der Wert auf ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, Qualität und einen Standard legt, der gleichzusetzen ist mit dem, was man aus Deutschland oder anderen westlichen EU-Ländern gewohnt ist.
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
very professional team, both for medical and logistics.
felt in safe hands the whole time. hospital was also clean and safe. good follow-up post surgery as well. i recommend not going to a "cheap" alternative.
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
After much research and speaking to many clinics around the world, I decided to book my Hair Transplant with FUECAPILAR. I had my HT with them last week and I am extremely impressed by the service that I received and recovery so far. The whole team was very professional and the standard and quality of the hospital was outstanding. Dr Turan, who is very experienced, was there throughout the procedure and implanted all the grafts himself. I felt very comfortable throughout the procedure and had peace of mind that I was in safe hands. I felt as though I was having the surgery carried out in the UK and not in a foreign country as the procedure and client care was of high quality. The owners, Jose and Seda, truly do put their customers ahead of everything and made sure that I had the best service from arrival to departure.

What made me choose FUECapilar:

DHI vs FUE: I preferred DHI method eventhough FUE has produced some very good results for some people. With DHI the channels are much smaller and the implantation is much more controlled and neat.

Doctor vs technicians: 100% Dr! There is a reason why they are called doctors. A Dr will always have years of qualifications, training, experience and background knowledge about the procedure so even if something doesn't go right during the procedure, dr will be better equipped to deal with it than a technician. Every patient is different in terms of skin, blood etc, a Dr will know how to cater for needs of different patients whereas a technician may use 'one fits all' approach. In my HT Dr Turan implanted each and every graft himself. Very experienced and definitely amongst the best in the world!

1 day vs 2 days: HT is a long procedure and in my opinion it should not be rushed. Max number of grafts (extracted and implanted) in 1 day should be 3000 over at least 2 sessions (1500 extracted & implanted -break- 1500 extracted and implanted). Everyone is human at the end of the day and is much more likely to make a mistake rushing. Much more chance of damage to the donor area when extracting over 4000 grafts in 1 day. Damaging a 1500 grafts while extracting 3500 is a massive loss! Mine was done over 2 days 5 sessions: Day1: 1100 extracted and implanted-break-1000 extracted and implanted, Day 2: 1500 extracted and implanted-break-900 extracted and implanted-break-500 (Beard) extracted and implanted. At no point did I feel that the team is being rushed in any way!

1 HT at a time: Over the 2 days it was only my HT that the FUECAPILAR team were focused on so I had their complete attention. It was not a "conveyor belt" where the HT were being done one after another. Dr Turan did not just pop in to do the implantation and then went off to do something else. He was there in the operating theatre from the start to the finish both days. Top guy! He even gave me plenty of time at my first wash and answered all my questions with a big smile. Jose stayed there throughout the wash and we had a long chat about post HT medications available in the market and what works the best. (Jose had his HT done by Dr Turan too over a year ago!)

Professionalism: The team was very professional! I have received treatments in UK hospitals and clinics and I did not feel like I was having the HT done in a hospital of a different country. The team and facilities were of very high standard. Peace of mind that you are in safe hands. Very happy!

****Will update in 9-12 months and share more details about the results that I achieve!****
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
The whole team at Fuecapilar was great. They were very professional from the initial consultation, 2 day surgery and post op follow ups. They really do care about you and the end result. You get the feeling that you are not alone in this. journey. I was particularly impressed by the process of extracting and implanting of my 5k+grafts in 4 session over 2 days. This meant that the grafts were out of my body for shortest time possible. I am really happy with my hairline design and the density of grafts implanted. Doctor Turan is a highly skilled expert at DHI and it shows end result. I am more than happy to recommend Fuecapilar to anyone who is thinking about hair transplant.
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Essendo un professionista del settore chirurgico, ho scelto FUE CAPILAR perché il Dr. DOGAN TURAN opera un solo paziente al giorno e con tecnica DHI. Il suo team rispetta le norme vigenti di asepsia e il suo protocollo operatorio é perfetto dalla consultazione pré operatoria fino al post. Op. I suoi collaboratori José e Seda sono dei professionisti con un alto senso dell'etica professionale. Consiglio questa clinica per chi come me non vuole acquistare un prezzo ma una soluzione adattata ai propri bisogni. Christian.
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Everything from first contact on WhatsApp was perfect. I felt I received the very best quote on a procedure that was above the rest. Not a hair mill experience but a procedure by a doctor on only one patient a day in a hospital that was clean and modern. He only does DHI procedure which I feel is the best. The pick up and hotel was great and the translator really helped in so many ways with everything. The entire staff was dedicated to me receiving the very best care. Great aftercare support as well. I would highly recommend Fuecapilar and Dr. Dogan to anybody wanting the best procedure done. Thanks Dr. Dogan and team!
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
Great service and staff. The doctor is visible well trained and he does the implantation process by himself. The technician who does the extraction is also very professional, the staff if very friendly, Jose and Seda, the owners are always answering on WhatsApp questions before and after the surgery. Great experience overall and I personally recommend it to anyone who is looking for professional HT clinic in Turkey.
Customer review & rating for:
4.80 out of 5
Like everyone else I carried out my research on the benefits of FUE Vs DHI, I decided DHI would be best for my hair loss.

After communicating with numerous clinics in Turkey, I chose Fuecapliar due to their information, transparency, communication and professionalism. Seda was particularly impressive. The fact that they are currently restricting the Doctor to one patient a day also encouraged me.

Other Clinics run more of a HT farm with multiple patients in a day and use different technicians. Whilst loads of guys on here have had great success with this business model, I preferred to know who my Doctor would be in advance and that I would be receiving a more personal service.

The doctor they use for thier DHI program is Dr Dogan Turan, he has many years of experience of different HT methods but now focuses solely on DHI due to the benefits he feels it offers over the other methods he's used. He is one of the pioneers for HT in Istanbul, appearing on TV programmes to talk about HT.

I was also swayed by the fact that the hairline design and all follicle insertion would be carried out by Dr Turan himself. One of the founders of Fuecapliar (Jose) also trusted Dr Turan enough to do his own HT back in January 2019 (Good enough for him? Good enough for me!). I've seen the before photos, (because I asked for them) and having met him personally within the last 7 days I was most impressed with his own results 10 months down the line.

In the end I chose DHI because I felt my recovery period would be quicker, the method is less intrusive, the hairs can be placed with more accuracy, direction and density creating a realistic look (This was particularly important for myself as I wanted to create a strong hairline and to increase the density on the scalp and crown).

I was in Istanbul for 8 days in total, I also fitted in a holiday with my partner before the HT and I can fully recommend it if you've got the time. (That's a holiday story all of its own!).

In total my HT covered 4 days...

Day 1 - Blood tests, sign paperwork, meet the team, discuss the HT process and discuss my expectations.

Day 2 - Design hair line (Dr Turan), take pill to calm my nerves! Shave head, take photos, freeze up my head, follicle extraction by technician, sort out follicles into singles doubles and triples by technicians. Follicle insertion using Choi pen (Dr Turan), lunch and then repeat follicle extraction and insertion. In total 2150 in day 1, 1150 morning session and 1000 afternoon.

Day 3 - Repeat of day 1 with another 2000. In total they transplanted 4150 follicles.

Day 4 - Post op check up, first wash. Big send off and photos with the team.

So what impressed me most?...

The overall professionalism, the customer care and attention to detail. The fact that they had one technician doing the extraction and three technicians loading the choi pen so that the Dr could insert them quickly to minimise the time the follicles are out the body. First follicles extracted are first to go back in. The longer the follicles are out the body the less chance they have of survival. I felt that harvesting 4000 follicles in one sitting and in one day is not a good idea as used by some clinics if they are being inserted up to 6 to 8 hours later! I worked out that my follicles were at worst out for about 2 hours at most.

All in all I have to say the service exceeded my expectations. My reservations of going to Turkey were completely wrong. My partner who worked in the NHS as a Midwife strongly advised me to use a clinic in the UK. Even she had to admit I would not have received service like it back in the UK and certainly not for the amount of money I paid, with a nice holiday flung in. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me. I'm putting this post up because I know how hard it was for me to make my choice. I've uploaded before photos, and some taken on the day of my first wash.
Customer review & rating for:
5.00 out of 5
My hair transplant was planned to be done in 2 days consecutively, 4500 grafts overall.

I stayed in a 4* hotel in the asian side of Istanbul, the hotel is nothing to highlight, but I did not come to Turkey to stay in a 7* hotel but to do a hair transplant, it was a normal 4* hotel.

Pick up at the airport went smoothly, there was a person awaiting with my name, that person accompanied me to the pick up point where a van picked me up and drove me to the hospital. They do the blood extraction the day before of the surgery to have the results ready first thing next day.

I was picked up at the hotel at 9am, and at 9.15am I was seated with Dr. Turan and my translator for the consultation and design. They checked my donor area hair thickness (they told me they do this to chose the right punch size during the extraction), they asked several questions about my health and alopecia history and then Doctor Turan did my hair transplant design after I explained what were my expectations.

From the consultation room, we went to the surgery room to shave my head and wash it and then straight to the anesthesia. I was quite frightened due to the horror stories I heard from other patients but with the sedative pill I was given and the painless anesthesia used, when they started to inject the local anesthesia, I felt it but it was not pain, just a bit of discomfort.

Then, they started the extraction....something I like from their approach is that they don´t extract all the grafts in one go. In my case, they did one extraction of 1100 grafts and then Dr. Turan did the implantation. We did a lunch break, and then they repeated the process again, 1000 grafts extracted and implanted and we call it a day. By 4pm I was back in the hotel.

I was feeling quite lazy to hang around, so I just stayed in the room watching some netflix and went down for dinner, then I tried to find a proper position to go back to sleep and following the advises given by them, I manage to sleep 6 hours overall with couple of breaks.

Next day was pretty much the same than the first one, main difference was that we moved to the surgery room as soon as I arrived to the hospital. Then 1200 grafts extracted and implanted in the morning , break for lunch, another 1200 after lunch and finally the PRP treatment.

The 3rd day, before going to the airport, I went to the hospital to be checked by Doctor Dogan Turan and for the first wash. One of the nurses removed my bandages, applied the lotion, cleaned my donor area and then washed my head while the translator was giving me all the instructions for the following washes.

So overall, it was a long process but everything was very well managed, everyone in the team knew what to do, and Doctor Dogan Turan implanted all my grafts. I can´t be more grateful to the Doctor and the whole team of FUECAPILAR. It is incredible what they have achieved in my HT.
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