Gabriel Lechemin

Coach. Artist. Untrainer. Coach. Artiste. Déformateur.

Gabriel Lechemin
10 Reviews i
published (91%)
out of 11 reviews
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Coaching 1:1 & Groups. Trainings. Mediation. Permaculture. Translations.
Emotional Healing Processes Spaceholder. Evolutionary Village Weaver. Permacultures’ Instigator.

Coaching émotionnel en face à face et groupes. Stages. Médiation. Permaculture. Traductions....

Contact information

Gabriel Lechemin
28 boulevard Carnot
65200 Bagnères de Bigorre

Contact person
Gabriel Lechemin


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Review from 16/01/2024  
5.00 out of 5

10 Reviews on
 (last 24 months)

5.00 out of 5
Gabriel held a loving and safe space for me while using his laserlike clarity to guide me to the core of the issue and look at it in its depth. After the process I felt the deep healing effects continuing to work in the layers of my system. I highly recommend working with him.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
J'ai eu le privilège d'avoir un EHP avec Gabriel comme spaceholder, et je peux dire en toute confiance que l'expérience a été transformatrice. J'ai ressenti une authenticite qui m'a immédiatement mise à l'aise.
Ce qui distingue Gabriel, c'est sa belle énergie bienveillante et ses compétences pointues. Il a assuré une atmosphère de confiance et d’acceptation totale. Son approche m'a permis de plonger dans mon monde intérieur et de faire face à des obstacles personnels. Il a été capable d'accueillir et d'aborder avec moi des sentiments très anciens et difficiles avec beaucoup de précision, d'attention et de respect. Merci Gabriel!
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
Gabriel Lechemin puts his heart and soul into his work, it has been very helpful to me to have had Gabriel support my healing process. Thank you, Gabriel.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
Gabriel hold space in a very sensitive way. He senses what is really needed and let space to express, feel and be with whatever is going on. His work is non-linear and full of adventure! It was possible for me to inner navigate with his clarity. I am really thankful that he did the Emotional Healing Process with me. I am another person now.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
Gabriel held space for an Emotional Healing Process with me today. His pointers were essential. With his coaching I was able to gain a tremendous amount of clarity about the workings of anger and fear. He creates a safe beautiful space where emotions can emerge. It's an experience like no other. I left the session with a deep sense of gratitude, the value provided goes beyond everything.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
You held space for me with clarity and caring. I see this quality of space with you, that my gremlin (unconscious mind) doesn't want to sabotage feeling emotions and expressing them. I felt love energy in the space and that you navigate into soft unfolding layer after layer, so that I have space and time to embrace what is going on. In the end of the session I felt joy of discoveries and shift of energy in me.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
4.80 out of 5
Authentic and sincere Highly recommended!
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
With Gabriel holding space I could feel safe enough to go into territories that I had never traveled inside of myself before. Gabriel creates a space in which Clarity, Love, Presence, Commitment can do their work.

He holds and creates deep spaces of transformation that have opened up so many new doors within my inner space, where now I can experience more possibilities, and I can stand more on my own voice.

I have been fortunate to experience it and receive a healing process that created impactful clarity for me to a persistent problem I was encountering in my life. I felt safe, heard, and held throughout the whole process.
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
Feeling depressed, stuck and low in energy I asked Gabriel for an EHP Coaching.

Your kind and patient way of guiding me through my pain helped me to break it down into the four feelings.
Thanks to your crystalclear and precise oberservations while guiding me through this process, I became aware of the demonic state I was in and feel much more alive now!
Customer review & rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
Gabriel Lechemin
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* All reviews and experiences about Gabriel Lechemin are the subjective opinions of those who compose and submit them  |  The profile owner is responsible for the contents of this page  |  Only the reviews published by the profile owner in the last 24 hours are displayed  |   Profile active since 07/02/2023  |  Last update: 17/01/2024   |  Report profile

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