Susanne HouseSitter

House Sitting & Tierbetreuung in Europa und Western Australia

Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
6 Reviews
Contact information
Meine selbständige Tätigkeit als Social Media Consultant erlaubt mir als Haus & Tier-Sitter zur arbeiten und zu leben. Seit 2013 reise ich so durch die Welt und erfreue Menschen & Tiere.

As self employed Social Media Consultant I´m able to...

Contact information

Susanne HouseSitter
House Sitting Worldwide
Parkweg 1
23936 Rüting

4 stars 0
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Customer service
Excellent (5.00)
Price/Quality ratio
Excellent (5.00)

6 Reviews on
 (last 24 months)

5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Susanne looked after our house, plants and our two cats whilst we were on holidays for two weeks. We left our home and fur-babies knowing that they are in good hands. Susanne even agreed to feed our neighbours chickens on last minute request. When we came back our home was sparkling clean, the plants grew like crazy, our cats were happy and even the neighbours chicken now lay more eggs.

Not only is Susanne trustworthy and well organised, she is also very heartwarming and pet friendly. I would be very happy if she would look after our house and pets in the future again.
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
Susanne did a very very good job for us over a 5wk holiday period. She had to look after our house, pool, garden, and of course our energetic dog! She is very organized and even took a video of complicated pool instructions to make sure she understood. Also she encountered a few dramas with heavy rain and alarms going off. To manage this we used what’s app and communicated easily. She took our dog for many walks and they obviously formed a great bond. It was sad for her to leave him. At the end our holiday changed plans due to bad weather. Susanne was able to juggle her next sit and still manage our sit until we could return safely. This was important due to our dog and saved a lot of hassle. The house and car were kept very clean and we have no complaints at all. We will definitely use Susanne again.
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
Susanne helped me to set up my artisan woodwork products into Social Media and stood with us during that time on our farm. She was helping me in any kind I could even consider of. She is a very lovely person that knows what to do when. I never had to tell her what is next she knew by herself and came with new ideas and focused me back to my goals. She is much more than a Social Media Expert she is as well a Life-Coach! As well she trained my neighbors horses and took them out for a ride every day. They were very happy about it! I can highly recommend Susanne if you need help in exchange for something, she might love to do during her stay. We had a great time together and I wish her all the best in her Life! Max Royce, Western Australia
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
Hilary - Pilar de la Horadada, Spain
02 September - 27 September 2017
Susanne is an excellent house sitter. She filled me with confidence from the moment I met her. She listened and made notes as we explained what needed to be done. She was very organised and resourceful. My main worry is always the care of the cats, especially my "special needs" cat Sooty, who is old and often needs to be hand fed and fed "little and often" throughout the day. She was wonderful with her, patient and caring. She got the cats into a new feeding routine which was very practical and better for them. She was willing to spend time with the cats ensuring that they all got fed and none of them were overeating by scavenging from other dishes. The cats loved her and Harry in particular spent most of the day with her while she was doing her work on the computer! She kept me up to date with daily emails and photos of the cats to put my mind at rest. She was also very economical with her use of the utilities and was conscious of not wasting water, electricity etc. She made a repair in the pool net which saved us the cost of buying a new one and also mended the flyscreen which the cats had damaged. She was conscious of impending bad weather and rolled in the awnings and put the geraniums under cover several times, all very time consuming. When we returned, the house was beautifully tidy, clean and smelling fresh. Susanne also cooked us a wonderful vegan meal on her last night. This is a 5 star reference in the true meaning of the word. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Susanne as a house sitter. She is an asset to the TrustedHousesitters organisation.
Organised 5/5 : Reliable 5/5 : Self-sufficient 5/5: Tidy 5/5: Pet care 5/5
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
Susanne hat jetzt schon zum zweiten mal unsere geliebte Tierschar behütet, während wir sorglos unseren Urlaub genießen konnten. Sie verwöhnte nicht nur unsere drei Schmusetiger, bewegte nicht nur unseren beiden Pferde und Lilli, den nie müde werdenden Rennhund, nein sie meisterte auch Ausnahmesituationen wie in den Gemüsegarten einbrechende Hühner (indem sie einen Hochsicherheitstrakt aus Zaunstücken improvisierte) und war Hebamme und Kindermädchen zugleich für 9 kleine Hühnerküken. Und bei alledem hielt sie das große Haus , den Garten und den Stall noch tiptop in Ordnung.  Dank regelmäßig geschickter Fotos und Anekdoten konnten wir uns im Urlaub jederzeit sicher sein, dass zu Hause alles bestens läuft. Susanne können wir und alle unsere Tiere nur jederzeit als Haussitterin weiterempfehlen!
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
5.00 out of 5
Susanne is great - we appreciate her help and she has beens with us already 3 times us as our housesitter for our house in the Southern part of Switzerland.

Our cat loves her. She is playing with him and makes sure he stays healthy.

Susanne is very much indepent, takes care of everything without having been instructed and also sees things that have to be taken care of.

We hope to have her come to stay with us many times in the future.
Customer review & rating for:
Susanne HouseSitter
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All reviews and experiences about Susanne HouseSitter are the subjective opinions of those who compose and submit them  |  The profile owner is responsible for the contents of this page  |   Profile active since 25/07/2017  |  Last update: 20/09/2023   |  Report profile
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