Markus Lehnert

Consciousness coach, business coach, hypnosis coach (CHt), regression coach, author

Contact information
I would like to help you recognize your limits so that you can overcome them in joy. If you want to discover the path to yourself, are ready to open up to yourself and engage with yourself, I am very happy to accompany you in this process - holistically, from a physical, mental and spiritual perspective.

Contact information

Markus Lehnert
Solmsstraße 81
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Review from 19/07/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
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5.00 out of 5
I am lucky to have had Markus by my side for my first regression and the experience was more than wonderful. Everything, the past life experiences as well as the womb experience make so much sense for my life today and I am so glad that Markus helped guide me through it ... I don't regret my decision to have the regression with HIM one bit. He is such a great, lovely person!!! Thank you so much for everything!
Big hugs and best regards from Valeria :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
19/07/2024Valeria B.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much, dear Ms. Belkin, for this wonderful feedback. It was a pleasure and an honor to accompany you on your journey into your soul's past. Thank you for being willing to look behind your own façade and for opening up to yourself. Whenever I can accompany you on your journey to yourself again, I would love to!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus, I was able to do all parts of your hypnosis training with you. What can I say, you have more than positively enriched and changed my life. With your knowledge, your love for hypnosis (and the people you teach) and the familiar feeling you give your participants - it was more than just training. It was life changing! We all laughed a lot and cried a lot together. We learned so much. I will never forget this time! You supported me so much in my development and helped me move forward that I can't thank you often enough. You always choose the right words. You live all of this from the bottom of your heart and I can feel it! You have also touched our hearts over and over again ❤️ again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING and especially for the journey you have taken with me so far! We will stay in touch and will see each other again and again in the future🤗 Warmest regards, Jenni
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
04/07/2024Jennifer K.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Jenni, what a lovely review! Thank you so much for your warm words and your personal view of what you were able to take away for yourself. It was a pleasure to have you with me. THANK YOU !!!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these five days, which can hardly be described in words! When I found your website in December, I had no idea how deep my journey would take me. These five days have shown me that it doesn't matter how long you have been searching - there is always a new level that takes your breath away.

Your authentic way of teaching and conveying your vast experience in the most understandable way is something very special! No matter who asked what question, you always took your time and explained until we all understood. Thank you for that too!

The opportunity to try out everything we learned under your supervision every day makes your seminars even more valuable than they already are! Thank you also for the deep insights and your perseverance, which enabled me to face and feel my deepest fears. It was very liberating to feel and know in which direction my journey continues. Since then I have been meeting myself, consciously and in silence I feel what still needs to be felt.

There are still many steps to go, but I am worth it! I am really looking forward to the upcoming seminars and deep journeys.

Thank you and see you very soon!
Best regards
Edit D.
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
02/07/2024Edit D.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Wow, what else can I say about this beautiful review? THANK YOU best describes how I feel right now. It was a pleasure and an honor to have you at this seminar. I wish you much joy with the tools you learned and especially with feeling even more into yourself. THANK YOU!!!
5.00 out of 5
Unique seminar in which you not only learn about hypnosis, but also a lot about yourself. I would attend again at any time. Markus responds individually to each participant and all questions are answered.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Vielen Dank, liebe Melanie. Es bedeutet mir wirklich sehr viel zu lesen, dass du etwas anfangen konntest mit dem Seminar. Schön, dich dabeigehabt zu haben und dich auch weiterhin auf deinem Weg begleiten zu dürfen. Vielen Dank!
5.00 out of 5
Dear Markus,
I would like to thank you once again for these overwhelming last 5 days!
I am still completely inspired by the knowledge and all the inspiration you shared with us!
I've heard and read a lot over the last few years. But in the last few days, a light has dawned on me again and again... According to the motto: "Oh sooooooo, that's how it was/is meant! I just say "old lady ".... I will also change the way I listen to myself now. I used to listen but not feel. Now I try to listen and then ask myself, how does it feel for me?
Despite the supposed effort of the last few days, I started my day totally relaxed and at ease today! I feel connected to myself, I feel powerful and clear within myself!
I have taken away so much for myself on a very personal level!!!
I actually wanted to learn a few new skills for my patients and have also gained a lot of new insights for and about myself!
Thank you so much for your valuable work, your knowledge, your inspiration and your ability to respond to us as participants! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Best regards
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Susanne, I am flabbergasted by your wonderful lines. Thank you a thousand times over! What a lovely way to round off these intensive days of the basic hypnosis seminar! It was great to have you with us!
5.00 out of 5
Thank you very much for your great manner and the knowledge you have passed on to me. I am very glad that I was so curious back then and looked at your homepage and actually registered for the Body Wisdom 1-5 seminar. (I listened to my gut feeling)
Thank you 🙏🏻
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
10/06/2024Sandra B.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am very happy, dear Sandra, to have had you with me at the Body Wisdom seminars. Thank you so much for your trust! Your journey to yourself has only just begun with these seminars. Now go on in the certainty that the wisdom of your body will help you to make life more and more YOUR life.
5.00 out of 5
I felt very well looked after and accompanied. Markus is very present and empathetic, I can only recommend him
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for your great feedback! Thank you also for engaging with the seminar and therefore with yourself. Only then can the content reach its full potential. Thank you!
5.00 out of 5
I discovered Markus Lehnert's profile on Instagram by "chance" and immediately had a look around the website. In December 2023, I stood still, didn't know what to do next, I was at a standstill. But the wonderful description of Body Wisdom swept me away and an inner voice said that this was exactly what I needed. After part 1 I was speechless . So much wisdom, safety and peace that I felt ... I quickly realized that I had to attend the following seminars . It was a wonderful journey from January to April, during which I learned a lot about the body and its signals. You understand that an illness is not a punishment, but a gift from the body to make us aware of it, to pay attention to us. We are given tools that confront us with our own truth. If you are ready to really get to know yourself, want to go one step further and finally find out the cause of your illness and pain history, Body Wisdom is the right place for you.
I have a lot of respect for Markus and his knowledge. I felt very well looked after from the very first second. It was a safe space for my own feelings.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am really happy to read how much you were able to take away from the Body Wisdom seminars. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful feedback!
Enjoy the knowledge of the wisdom of the body now! Appreciate the way your body communicates with you so that you can make more and more of YOUR life.
5.00 out of 5
The two basic seminars have helped me to get to know myself much better in a very short time, to feel more at ease and I feel stronger emotionally, mentally and physically. I can highly recommend the seminars and Markus Lehnert leads them wonderfully. Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
15/04/2024Joe P.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am really pleased to read that you were able to do something with the two basic seminars and that you were able to get to know and feel yourself better. Thank you so much for being there. You were an enrichment for the whole group! It was a pleasure and an honor!
5.00 out of 5
Markus Lehnert, who made me feel very comfortable, guided me through a surprising and wonderful hypnosis session. His safe space and the wealth of new impulses made my visit an enriching experience. I needed these perspectives at exactly the right time. All in all, it was great, a big heartfelt recommendation!
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for this wonderful feedback. It was a wonderful experience for me too, as you really opened up to yourself. Thank you very much for this unique session with you!
5.00 out of 5
The hypnosis training with Markus was a transformative experience for me that went far beyond learning the art of hypnosis.
The hypnosis techniques were taught in an extremely professional and thorough manner. Markus has a deep understanding of the mechanisms of hypnosis and was able to convey this knowledge in a vivid way. Practical exercises and case studies made it possible to directly experience what we had learned and therefore easier to internalize. Markus encouraged us not only to understand hypnosis as a technique, but also to use it as a tool to develop our own potential. Reflecting on my own personality and working on personal blockages helped me to grow not only as a hypnosis coach, but also as a person.
Overall, I can highly recommend Markus' hypnosis training. It not only offers a first-class introduction to the world of hypnosis, but also a profound personal development that is important far beyond the training. For anyone who is interested in hypnosis and at the same time wants to work on their own personality, this training is an enormous enrichment.

I dedicate the last few lines to my coach, trainer and mentor.
Your wisdom, patience and tireless willingness to share your knowledge and experience with us have had an unparalleled impact on my personal and professional development. Your kindness, generosity and foresight have touched me deeply and will always serve as a shining example.
For all this and much more, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
10/02/2024Leon K.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Leon, I am deeply touched by your beautiful and warm words. The only thing I can say is THANK YOU. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I can't think of any other word that could express what I'm feeling right now.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to accompany you on your journey. Now be the lighthouse for all the people around you to see themselves more and more, so that they too can make more and more of THEIR own life. Not only do you now have unique tools in your hands, but above all the knowledge of your own power. I wish you much joy with it!

5.00 out of 5
Thank you Markus for our encounters, for being like this.
A light came on for me in the darkness and I was able to sense, feel..., perceive myself.
The light is me, I didn't recognize it for a long time and turned away from myself.
Markus Lehnert, with his loving, non-judgmental, non-judgemental, humorous manner and his outstanding skills, gave me the opportunity to see myself for what I am.
It gave me the opportunity to meet myself, to turn towards myself and my light in order to allow healing to take place in my heart and my life.
The path with Markus Lehnert is very good for me. Now I can affirm my life every day and live it joyfully.
I highly recommend his hypnosis, consciousness training and seminars.
I wish you as much joy and insight as I was able to experience for myself.
Light and love on all our paths... Elaja
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Dear Ela(yes), feel warmly hugged. Thank you so much for your personal and warm words. It is a real pleasure to be able to accompany you on your journey. THANK YOU!
5.00 out of 5
Training 1-6.

The truth will first shatter you into many parts. Then you will meet yourself in all facets of your human being. As soon as you accept and accept yourself in your love again - a prayer sounds within you - which allows you to melt into devotion to yourself. Deep trust arises. A power is born that empowers you to be "who you are in truth - always have been and always will be.
Thank you so much for the wonderful journey and the many revelations in your seminars.
With love Christine,
Niederfüllbach 14.12.23
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Markus Lehnert
14/12/2023Christine S.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Wow, what an eloquent description of the hypnosis seminars from you, dear Christine!
It was really a pleasure to be able to accompany you and the whole group a little on the path to yourselves. Thank you so much for your trust and your willingness to engage with yourself. THANK YOU for your beautiful words about the seminars!
5.00 out of 5
I have started training to become a hypnosis coach with Markus. There is also an online seminar on the subject of setting up your own practice. I took part yesterday. I found what Markus gave us very helpful. So much information that I would otherwise have had to laboriously search for on the internet. thanks again
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Markus Lehnert
13/12/2023Maria Keusch, S.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
I am delighted to read that my seminars are also instructive and helpful for you. Thank you very much for your appreciative words, dear Maria!
5.00 out of 5
The hypnosis training 1-6 includes the consciousness training, which builds on each other and thus goes hand in hand with a profound experience in dealing with the client and oneself. Markus L. is a guide who accompanies people on their path of experience with a great deal of deep inner knowledge, experience and connection to the spiritual world. This training opens up deep insights at soul level for those who are willing to engage with it. Many experiences that we judge with our minds and yet become more entangled in can find redemption in the spiritual world. It is a world that invites us to listen to it more, to take it in and let it guide us. I feel that the inner guidance led me, still unknowing, to Markus in order to recognize who I really am, beyond the judgments. It is almost impossible to put this experience into words, because ultimately it is not the words that bring recognition, but the experience itself. I can therefore only encourage you to get involved in the complete training. In Markus, you experience a guide who is always on the same level as you and who accompanies you through the process. Markus is not afraid to share his own experiences with the spiritual world. All of us who have come together in this life form a team and at soul level we experience that this team is just as right and that it serves our life's purpose. To experience, recognize and ultimately fulfill it. I thank you for your support, for your trust in the spiritual world, even when things get bumpy in the process. Markus, I experience you as a companion who never stops listening to the wake-up call of the spiritual world. I am convinced that it is precisely this humility towards the task that makes for good training. Thank you for that!
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Spirituelle Hypnose Akademie
12/12/2023Beatrix K.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
What can I say about this feedback other than THANK YOU! Every sentence, every word stands for itself and needs no comment from me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Beatrix, for your being, your perseverance, for your suggestions, requests, demands, your trust, your openness and honesty. It was a pleasure and an honor to have had you with me at all the seminars. THANK YOU!
5.00 out of 5
Markus Lehnert is very authentic. He leads the groups confidently and is interested in the processes of each individual. He contributes with everything, with his experience as an experienced coach, with his personal experience, but - and this is particularly important to me - with his heart and his joy. Thank you for this great enrichment and experience that I was able to have with the group and with Markus.
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for these wonderful words. I am very happy to read that you were not only able to do something with the WHAT of the seminars, but also with the HOW. Thank you that I too was able to be who I am in the seminars!
5.00 out of 5
I attended the online seminar Body Wisdom with Mr. Lehnert, I learned a lot of new things and everything became much clearer to me, Mr. Lehnert is a very good teacher, a wonderful, respectful and truthful person, he is always ready to help, I already know that it was not my last seminar. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Best regards Ivana/Switzerland/
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Markus Lehnert
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much, dear Ivana. It was a pleasure to have you with me at the Body Wisdom online seminars. Have lots of fun with these new tools! All the best from the bottom of my heart!
5.00 out of 5
The Hypnosis Refresher is a wonderful opportunity for all former participants of Markus Lehnert's hypnosis training to refresh and deepen the content of the various seminars. All kinds of topics are addressed that one encounters as a hypnosis coach in everyday life with clients, but also in one's own further development. In this seminar, it is the participants who determine the program - Markus Lehnert repeats seminar content, is happy to answer all questions and shares his experience with case studies from his own practice. This, and the follow-up questions of the participants make the Refresher a lively, enriching exchange among colleagues. I am always happy to participate !
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Customer review & rating for:
Markus Lehnert
26/10/2023Edith M.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for these beautiful words. It is always enriching to exchange with experienced hypnosis coaches, whom I have trained myself over all these years. It is a meeting at eye level, an exchange among colleagues. Thank you all for staying loyal to me and for allowing me to continue to accompany you on your path!
5.00 out of 5
Letting go is not always easy. At the same time, one often longs so much to be able to free oneself from fears, everyday stress and negative old patterns.
Markus Lehnert showed me the way to more harmony and balance and gave me the courage to look at the problem to rearrange my life. His seminars, respectively. webinars and hypnotherapy make it possible to see the true goals more clearly and to regain inner freedom.
I thank him sincerely for his support on the way to my ENTwicklung🙏
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Markus Lehnert
27/09/2023Nancy D.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much for this so beautiful feedback! It is both an incentive and an obligation for me to continue on this path, which means bringing people to their own inner truth. It is exactly this truth that frees us from dependencies, entanglements, feelings of duty, guilt and fears. Thank you for your trust and willingness to engage with yourself!
5.00 out of 5
Thank you very much dear Markus for these 3 intense valuable seminar days! Body Wisdom is a very valuable treasure...! Everything suddenly makes sense.... The physical issues or illnesses connect with the spiritual issues so that I may recognize how deeply benevolent life has always been with me. The terror of illness and physical suffering is transformed through this into deep trust. Thank you for your clear, down-to-earth and true-to-life examples. This made the complex seminar content very easy to internalize!
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Markus Lehnert
27/09/2023Johanna H.
Markus Lehnert Comment from Markus Lehnert:
Thank you very much, dear Johanna, for your so appreciative words. It was a great pleasure for me to look at the wisdom of the soul with you and the whole group. Wouldn't it be nice if all people knew what a great friend everyone has with their own body? Now go ahead yourself and exemplify what it means to be more and more one with yourself. Have fun applying all that we have learned in these three days. Best wishes!
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