Annett Bergmann

Online Business Mentoring

Annett Bergmann
27 Reviews i
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out of 28 reviews
Contact information
I am Annett Bergmann, a passionate online coaching business mentor.
Together with my husband and business partner Jürgen and our team of 10, we accompany sensitive coaches & therapists into their successful online coaching business. We show them...

Contact information

Annett Bergmann
Am Ehbrauk 25
18211 Ostseebad Nienhagen

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Annett Bergmann

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Review from 30/04/2024  
5.00 out of 5

27 Reviews on

5.00 out of 5
I can't think of anyone who leads her clients to their goals with more commitment, passion and expertise than Annett Bergmann! Her strategy brings success, I experience that every day! I can only say THANK YOU and recommend everyone to book a business coaching session with her!
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Guys, guys! I've got to get something out here!
Annett Bergmann, the shining sun on the horizon of the business coaching universe! 🌟
This woman is really the bomb!
Let me tell you about my personal journey with RisingStar 2.0. I was fed up with the employee-employer relationship after 25 years. So I quit my job as a board member and managing director and wanted to set out on the path to independence with my favorite topics of care and dementia. I tried it alone for far too long. It was neither effective nor successful. After more than 1.5 years, it was clear to me that if I wanted to build my online business professionally and successfully, I needed a plan! A strategy! Commitment and the right companions at my side.
And then Annett came into my life.
Wow, Annett: your energy, your passion and your authenticity immediately cast a spell over me. RisingStar 2.0 is more than a program for me - it's a matter of the heart. Here are a few reasons why I decided to embark on this transformative journey with you, Jürgen and your amazing team:
The Art of Visibility
I learn to show myself without bending. My message reaches people I have never met before. The art of visibility is invaluable not only for my business, but also for my personal development.
The community of rising stars
In RisingStar 2.0, I have not only found a mentor, but also a sister in spirit. The community is a place of exchange, support and mutual growth. We are like stars that make each other shine and at the same time support each other so incredibly!
Annett Bergmann and RisingStar 2.0 are more than a program to me - they are a compass that guides me to my success and fulfillment. I am grateful for this transformative journey and look forward to shining together with you and other rising stars.
It really went "WOW" when we had the "Come-Together-Live-Event" on Warnemünde. The name alone promises connection, community and transformation. And that is exactly what characterizes this event. It is no ordinary meeting, no fleeting gathering. No, it is a confluence of energies, a dance of inspiration that brings people together to share and realize their dreams.

Why Annett?
Annett Bergmann is no ordinary mentor. She is a queen of hearts who shares her crown. She knows the ups and downs of entrepreneurship from her own experience and generously shares her wisdom. And best of all: she is absolutely authentic!
When you choose RisingStar 2.0, you won't just be building a business - you'll be embarking on a life journey. You will realize dreams, overcome fears and transform yourself into a heroine of your own story.
Annett Bergmann and RisingStar 2.0 are like a magical sunrise that dispels the darkness. If you are ready to spread your wings and conquer the sky, then this program is your compass, your feather and your star in the firmament.
I am very grateful for this experience and this path!
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Since January 2024 I have been in the business learning program "Rising Star 2.0" created by Annett Bergmann and her husband Juergen Schneider. I got to know Annett via Facebook. With her appreciative, friendly and approachable manner, I was in her group after a short consideration. Through her sophisticated program, I am learning how to build an online business. I am guided through her program by a common thread. Yes, it is work and there are challenges. If I'm unsure, she and her excellent team take me by the hand. She always has an open ear and a lot of understanding when I get stuck. I know I'm on the right path to success with her.
The 4-day event " Come together"on the Baltic Sea in the Hohe Düne was exhilarating. I enjoyed going with her early in the morning into the 6 degree cold Baltic Sea to sink ingrained beliefs. Previously unimaginable for me, this is where transformations occurred.
I left my comfort zone and came into my new dimension with my head held high.
I am now burning all the more to build my heart business.
Thank you so much, Annett and Juergen, also for your incredible positive energy.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Annett Bergmann and her team have created a unique and very special space in the large field of business mentoring. I was skeptical for a long time and rejected marketing on the Internet because it seemed soulless to me. Until I found the "pearl". Annett Bergmann, her husband Jürgen Schneider and their professional team really combine everything that leads to success. In addition to the clear and empathetic advice, the well-structured and flowing modules, the informative and fruitful lives and calls, there are also individual coaching sessions by and with many experts for the specific areas. This means development and mindset at the highest level,
is the absolute magic formula for healthy success and makes a monthly income in the 5-digit range a real possibility.
The live event at the Baltic Sea in a beautiful hotel last March was a wonderful experience. A lot of recognition and transformation took place there.
Thank you dear Annett, dear Jürgen and thank you to your special team.
As a successful online business woman, I wholeheartedly recommend you and your RisingStar 2.0 program, because it gave me the golden key to my breakthrough.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
I had a vision and no idea how to turn this vision into a business.

Then I met Annett on Facebook. She and her team helped to formulate, rethink, package and bring it into the world. So that my vision could become something that now stands on a solid foundation as a profitable business.

Standing by your own values as an entrepreneur and not selling yourself short. An important topic for sensitive ladies. Personal development was not neglected either.

Not to mention the live event on the Baltic Sea!

I say thank you and take my hat off. Chapeau to the whole team

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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
I am so happy to have booked the Rising Star Program 2.0! Annett and Jürgen guide me and us so competently, sensitively and inspiringly into the world of online business. The coaching is so complex and ingenious... It's a joy to work on it every day and to be able to develop your own business with so much warmth and know-how! The live event, which you can experience as a customer, was an unforgettable experience for me and a glorious start to my yes to online business. What a togetherness🫶 Thank you so much, dear Anett and Jürgen, for your program and your energy 🌟
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
I was rather skeptical at first, but Annett's positive manner won me over.
The material provided is great for getting your bearings and setting up your own Facebook groups step by step.
The group sessions once a week help to clarify ambiguities and to ask questions which are answered promptly.
Thank you Annett everything is great
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Annett Bergmann is not only a wonderful mentor, for me she is a visionary. She gets to the heart of everything. She doesn't wait. She goes ahead and she leads! Her love for life and the people around her is so captivating that it sometimes takes your breath away. And that's exactly why I have her by my side, because she is a role model, and she does so with a lot of kindness and loving determination. Anyone who books her can count themselves lucky, because it's the right decision. I have already gained so many new clients through her program, and I know and feel that there will be more and more from now on, because she has taught me how to do it! Thank you Annett for being there. All the best from Julia Kiefhaber
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
The experience with Annette and Jürgen is simply inspiring. These two personalities are so sensitive and have a great feeling for the people in the group. Annette in particular gave me the opportunity to strive for a better future for myself and my sick husband who has Parkinson's disease. During the course we were carried by their energy and they were always there for us. You could really feel that they wanted the best out of us and helped us to overcome our limitations. I experienced an enormous growth spurt.

The Life Events are always very special. It felt like we were one big family and we received a lot of input. Annette and Jürgen spared no effort to give us a gigantic weekend and to inspire and develop us with their energetic personality. I am infinitely grateful to be part of Annette's course.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Pure transformation in these first three months of working with you! You are fully committed and put your heart and soul into your work, and I feel very well supported and advised. The steps are clearly explained in the individual modules. If I have a question, you take me by the hand and always give me an answer. Your team works really well with you lovely people. My personal highlight was the live event in Warnemünde - knowledge transfer, luxury, fun, spontaneity, tears, community, goodwill and joy - it was all there! Thank you dafür♥️
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Dear Annett,

We met on FB in 2022 and at first I was skeptical about whether I should take the plunge into self-employment. You dispelled my doubts with your manner and showed me what really matters.

I am still overwhelmed by the results I have achieved thanks to your business coaching. Thanks to your impulses and the content you conveyed, I laid the foundation for my success during the coaching and have already generated an incredible EUR 140,000 in sales in just a few months - it's amazing!

This is not only a financial success for me, but also confirmation that I am on the right track. Your empathetic approach and deep understanding of my individual needs, as well as your perseverance, have given me the confidence I needed to realize my dreams.

Thank you Annett for helping me to get the best out of myself and realize my entrepreneurial vision. I can recommend your coaching to anyone who is striving for real change and sustainable success.

Best regards Peter
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
I met Annett Bergmann on Facebook and followed her program for five days during my vacation with the result that I booked her program at Rising Star.
Like a red guide she leads me through her program how I can successfully build my heart buisness.
She always has an open ear and a lot of understanding.
I look forward to more great weeks u.freuen that I have gone the way.
I have gained a lot of experience with a lot of positive energy and can only recommend her program.

Thank you Annett,
Best regards

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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
4.80 out of 5
Dear Annett,
Your Risingdays workshop is awesome ❤ I signed up out of a gut feeling, booked a check in call right away, actually shoveled all 5 evenings free and I haven't regretted it. These days have such added value that you should definitely be there. I can really recommend the Risingdays to everyone from the bottom of my heart, because they change lives 🙂

Afterwards I booked the business building program "Rising Star" with Annett and her team.

I've now been on it since September 2022 and have been mentored through all the ups and downs. As our mentor Annett Bergmann always says... in the valley you get momentum for the next flight of fancy.

I have continued to develop, have learned everything from A-Z and have outgrown myself. Changes are happening that my environment is also commenting on positively.

With my topic of grief counseling, I have found my heart's business and am happy to be able to accompany people from their grief back into life.

I was already able to gain a premium customer within this time and thus generate a 4-digit turnover. My Facebook group is growing and growing and I sometimes have over 80 comments under my posts from people who are interested in my offer.

With every member in my group I feel happier and with every future talk I learn more, dissolve my negative beliefs and become more and more self-confident.

Thank you for everything and the very personal and close support in the "Rising Star" program.
Best regards from Bavaria from Beate
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Dear Annett,
thank you again for the multi-day online workshop "Risingdays". It was a wonderful and experiential time. You are doing such a great job. I was looking forward to the evening with you every day. So much happens in you during the days. What you trigger in yourself is indescribably valuable.
Thank you very much for that.
Kind regards from your Silke.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Annett Bergmann's Rising Star Mentoring Program is absolutely top class.
With her strategy, I was able to build up a part-time online business with a four-figure income, a Facebook group with over 1200 interested parties, weekly customer inquiries and steady growth within 7 months.
Both from the high content value and from the cordiality with which Annett Bergman accompanies her customers, I can recommend her to anyone who wants to bring his heart business into the world without detours and with clear commitment.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
The Rising Star Mentoring Program by and with Annett Bergmann is absolutely recommended 🫶.
The program is perfectly geared in several sections to help you get your own online business off the ground with the right tools from the start.
You learn in different topics what is important, what you should pay attention to and you always have a contact person in your and your team. All questions are answered promptly.
You also get a lot of input in the come together, in which all participants of the mentoring are allowed to take part. A perfectly organized meeting, which leaves nothing to be desired 💛.
As a customer, you are valued and always motivated by your warmth and sometimes also by a push 😙 when things aren't going so well again.
Annett Bergman accompanies her clients very closely and I can only recommend the mentoring program with her if you want to get your heart's business off the ground without getting bogged down and with a clear commitment.

Andrea Riedel
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
When one has small or big doubts, Annett doesn't stop, but strengthens us to get in even more or to get ahead better.
Annett always finds a great solution
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Dear Anette, Dear Jürgen,
Your Rising Days were just great...So much input and all that for free...I was able to take so much with me...Still think of the chatterer today and send him to the sports field...Since these days I think bigger, much bigger, just great...You 2 are just great. Someday I will book the Rising Star program with you.
Thank you very much
Sonja J.
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
The mentoring is really great. It builds on each other. Annett is very authentic and helpful. You are challenged and encouraged, which I like and find good, because only those who tackle the issues themselves can build their own authentic business. I can highly recommend the mentoring👌!
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Customer review & rating for:
Annett Bergmann
5.00 out of 5
Dear Annett and dear Jürgen,

thank you very much for the wonderful Risingsdays. And the whole five days too!!!

Mega, what added value and energy that has brought for me!!! So much knowledge from you and that in a free workshop, which I have not seen before. 🙏

And now I am in your Rising Star program. High level, lots of power and heart people who support me on my way !!!! A great group of participants who are all on the same path.

GO FOR IT !!!! I am happy and grateful that you exist 🙏💜

Your Petra
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Annett Bergmann
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