Elke Blidon

Coaching & Consulting Skin Health

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Skincare-B-Academy is an online platform to help people with skin problems with experience, skill and empathy.

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Elke Blidon
Am Hamberg 18
74821 Mosbach

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Elke Blidon Coaching & Consulting

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Review from 10/06/2024  
5.00 out of 5
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39 Reviews on ProvenExpert.com

5.00 out of 5
Dear Elke, dear Lina,

Many different attempts to get my rosacea under control were unsuccessful. When I finally found you, I was so thrilled. You and your team took me by the hand and always had an open ear and were always able to provide answers. The nutrition and skin plan that was individually tailored to me was constantly adapted. In addition, the offer ranged from individual or group coaching in the areas of skin, nutrition, sport, mindset and self-love. Little by little, my acne-ridden, burning skin was transformed into beautiful skin. But my health aspect goes far beyond the face. I am much fitter, more balanced and healthier in every respect. I am very happy about this situation. My rucksack is packed for the rest of my life and I'm excited to see how the journey continues. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much for your support. U.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
Dear Elke (and dear Lina),

It was an incredibly exciting and enriching six months for me, during which I learned an incredible amount about my body and nutrition. The path was quite bumpy for me due to many private strokes of fate, but you were always there for me as contact persons and I learned to be more patient with myself. My journey now continues and my rucksack is full of new knowledge. The current success alone has been more than worth it. I'm looking forward to the rest of my journey! It's great that there are people like you.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
When you arrive at Elke's, you are on the home straight. After more than forty years of blemished skin, acne and finally rosacea, several visits to the dermatologist with only short-lived improvement, countless failures
with cosmetic preparations, whether cheap, from the pharmacy or high end, I then dared to write to Elke. I found Elke by chance on the Internet when I was once again looking for some super creams and promises against rosacea. Right from the first, very nice conversation with Elke and the very tempting offer, it was clear that this was something for me. I would treat myself to it. After just a short period of use, my skin has changed so positively that I can't remember the last time I had such good skin. You need a little confidence and have to be patient with yourself. Improvement comes in small but steady steps. Elke and her team are always very caring and supportive. Elke is the jackpot when it comes to skin and nutrition and does her job with her team with heart and soul. A great, lovable and honest person!
The best decision
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
4.60 out of 5
I became aware of Elke's podcast by chance. The program convinced me right from the start because Elke and her team work holistically and look at the whole body and search for the cause. That was the reason for me to take part in the program and try it out. My skin has neutralized within a few weeks and my flashes have completely disappeared. Elke and Lina looked after me intensively and answered all my questions and uncertainties. They were always there and gave me loving support. I am so grateful to both of them for their support! The coaching has given me a huge backpack of input and I now know how I can move forward. There are phases when I realize that my skin is showing again, but through the coaching you learn how to deal with it and know that it always goes back into balance :) THANK YOU Elke and Lina for your work! I am very happy to have chosen the program and I know that my skin is getting more radiant every day :)
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
I am so satisfied and can recommend the unique program of the wonderful Elke and her wonderful team 100%. You feel so well looked after and everyone is committed to helping you achieve your goals. You are seen and heard as a person and motivated to keep going. You are never alone on your journey. You are given tools that not only give you clear, beautiful skin, but also help you grow personally and in terms of your health. The program is worth every euro and the results speak for themselves. I received holistic and in-depth advice on my skin problem rosacea and I am infinitely grateful and happy that I have the rosacea 100% under control and not it me. I have great skin and feel completely healthy and happy. Thank you so much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
Elke is a woman of expertise and she knows exactly what she is talking about when it comes to topics such as skin health, skin care, healthy eating and holistic health. Thanks to her coaching, I have found a whole new me and feel much more comfortable in my skin and my body than I did 4 months ago.
Her commitment to things deserves special mention. She really gets stuck in and always gives 100% to achieve the best possible results together. She is a real power woman and always manages to get you out of personal lows and give you hope, courage, strength and confidence again. The concept behind her work is ingenious. Of course, you have to implement it yourself. And above all, it takes time and patience. Nobody can do witches. But with Elke you have someone at your side who makes the WAY to the most beautiful goal. Thank you Elke!
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
A super-friendly and cordial team with great advice. The individual plans, which are tailored to each individual, are particularly noteworthy. I always felt very comfortable and am very happy with the result.
I can heartily recommend Elke Blidon.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
I felt so well taken care of after having invested unsuccessfully in quite a few facial care products and having been left alone by dermatologists. A SUPER TEAM AROUND ELKE. A life-changing investment in the long run, not only for the skin, but an all-round package, everything is covered incl. personality development, now I have my (knowledge) backpack, care, nutrition...with me for life, in order to act self-empowered and independently in the future.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
I found Elke and her team through her podcast. When I found her, I had been living with rosacea for almost 2 years. I worked with a dermatologist who put me on antibiotics. After 3 months she told me there was nothing more she could do for me. I also found a herbalist who helped me a little. However, she does not have the knowledge in treating rosacea to make a big difference.

I was skeptical at first if Elke's treatment would work. Both the treatment and the cosmetics and supplements are an investment. I decided to go for it anyway because I had no other options.

To be successful, you have to be willing to make changes in your life. I changed my diet and skincare routine, and started doing more yoga and meditation. I tried very hard, and it was worth the effort!

9 months later, I am very glad I chose Elke and her team. My skin has been transformed and I now feel comfortable in my skin. It sounds cliché, but healing my rosacea has truly changed my life! Elke really knows how to heal skin problems and I would recommend her to anyone.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
After years of searching for a long-term successful form of therapy against my skin problems, I came across Elke and her lovely team by chance.
After initial skepticism as to whether she could really help me, I opted for her coaching and can say that it was the best investment I ever made for myself.
The program is completely individualized for each person, you get support at any time and you are never alone with questions.
I have really been looking for a holistic approach for a long time and with Elke I have learned how much gut health, nutrition and the right skin care routine can contribute to an improved skin appearance and an overall better attitude towards life!
Dear Elke, I am very grateful to you and your team! You guys are amazing :-)
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
4.98 out of 5
I am so happy to have found Elke and her team.
At the beginning of the year, my skin - which was always great, dastisch changed into the negative. At the dermatologist then the diagnosis of rosacea, a prescribed cream and that was it. No clarification, no support. Then I started my own research on the Internet, slowly I changed my diet, care and cosmetics, but all quite uncertain and without the necessary background. The skin did not really improve in that time. Through my own research, I then came across Elke and relatively quickly signed up for a consultation.
With Elke, you find exactly the support that such a disease needs to bring the body back into balance in a holistic and sustainable way. I felt safe, with the program, fully supported and have met the most competent and warm people.
I now know how to deal with myself, what is good for me, entirely without medication and renunciation.
Yes, the coaching is not affordable, but it is worth the money. I am incredibly grateful to have gotten help quickly, besides I could learn so much for myself and my health and am highly motivated to continue to do good for myself and my body.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are amazing and you have the greatest job in the world. I help people in the long run, away from quick diagnoses and get to the root cause. There should be more of you ;)
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
Unfortunately, dermatologists could not help me with my rosacea. I then tried myself to get ahead by vegan, healthy diet, etc., but unfortunately without success.
But luckily I found Elke and her team! They sent me the right skin care and gave me detailed instructions on my "skin care routine". This has already helped me enormously. I was also helped to choose the right cosmetics.
After that, I was detoxified for the first time and I received a diet plan tailored to me. What has changed in my body is really unbelievable. My skin is unrecognizable! I no longer have to be ashamed of myself and receive many compliments on my skin.
After the intestinal rebuilding I am now on the way to even getting rid of my intolerances and my allergies are also already getting better.
I was taken by the hand the whole way and if I had any questions or problems I was always helped. Elke, Lina and the whole team have such a lovely way and are super approachable. I always felt like I was in good hands.
In addition, in the group calls you see many other people affected and also learn through their experiences.
I have learned so much through all the coaching and I can only benefit from that. Of course, the whole thing is not cheap, but it was really worth it to me, because it is an investment in your own life.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
I had already tried and read up on a lot of things before the Skincare Academy. Nevertheless, I had not been able to get my Rozacea under control on my own. Even dermatologists could unfortunately only bring short-term relief. When I became aware of the Skincare Academy, I was still a little hesitant. However, I was curious and arranged an initial consultation with Elke. Elke took a lot of time to explain the concept to me and I realized relatively quickly that it is a very well thought-out coaching. Elke and Lina stand behind the Skincare Academy with a lot of heart and experience. Questions were always answered quickly and straightforwardly and I felt welcome and understood at all times. You learn an incredible amount about skin, nutrition, mindset and care routines and are given all the tools to approach skin health holistically. Elke and Lina always encouraged me and celebrated every little success. I am amazed at how quickly the first results have shown and am very grateful that I chose to do the coaching. To anyone who is ready to approach their skin health holistically and for the long term, I can only recommend the Skincare Academy. You are in the best hands!
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
Elke's coaching is done with a lot of empathy, personal commitment and expertise. After I had tried for years in vain with any creams etc. to get my skin under control, the holistic approach of Elke has absolutely convinced me. The combination of "we get your nutrition including micronutrients on the right track" and "we take care of your intestinal health" with "we make sure that you are also mentally well" is, in my experience, the perfect way to go! For this I say Elke and her whole wonderful team a very big Dankeschön🙏🧡!!! My skin appearance has absolutely improved and I know that it will stay that way because I was taught in the coaching how I can influence this result myself. So in short... I would unreservedly recommend the coaching again and again!!! 😃
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
It was a stroke of luck for me to meet Elke Blidon and her wonderful team. With her holistic concept, I managed to get beautiful, soft skin again and develop healthy habits in just a few months. Step by step I was able to integrate the care routine, dietary changes, colon cleansing, nutritional supplements and the positive mindset into my everyday life. In the process, I received expert advice and support. Elke Blidon and her team work with a lot of heart and passion. I am so glad that I met them and thus got my rosacea under control! Thank you very much!
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
28/01/2023Silke J.
5.00 out of 5
Elke and her team are always available for any questions. They are great at motivating you and helping you to change your diet and lifestyle in the long term. The successes can be seen very quickly if you are willing to trust them and implement the recommendations. For me it was the best decision to participate in Elke's coaching program and to finally get my rosacea under control. On my own, I would never have been able to acquire all the knowledge that Elke imparts on the subject of skin health and achieve such great results! I can unreservedly recommend the program and would participate again at any time! But fortunately that is not necessary, because thanks to Elke I feel really comfortable with my skin again and know exactly what I need to do to avoid it getting worse again.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
4.60 out of 5
You are always motivated by the positive and open manner. Also, expressed questions and concerns are only taken and answered in detail. The coaching is certainly not cheap, but still on balance a good investment in health.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
The program offered by Elke and her team is unsurpassed in professionalism and effectiveness!!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
I can recommend Elke and her team. Each person is considered individually and through group coaching you feel like you are part of a community: you work together and towards the same goal: holistic health. That strengthens. Elke takes a lot of time and motivates again and again, even when you have a low. Not only the health of the skin, but also that of the intestine and the mindset are considered and I have managed to set myself up holistically even healthier. Thank you for the valuable time and I am glad to have met you.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
5.00 out of 5
"Rosacea free"
Yes, it is possible, although you do not believe it when you read this
sentence like "No, you don't have to live with rosacea " reads.
Thanks to Elke, her team, the holistic treatment and dietary changes, I am now rosacea free.
Already three weeks after starting the treatment, the symptoms like warmth, redness, swelling, burning have noticeably and visibly decreased. It takes a lot of strength and trust to go this way with Elke; but even on days when you want to give up, Elke and her team are there to support you.
To become "Rosacea free "it is definitely worthwhile to go this way with Elke and her team.
Thank you for the support and that I can feel good again.
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Customer review & rating for:
Elke Blidon
30 Reviews from
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4.70 out of 5
4.70 out of 5
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4.70 out of 5
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