Hello Fa.Hämmerle I would like to write a detailed evaluation.my brother Volker and I decided at the beginning of last year for age and health reasons to close our company which was successful for over 40 years in the market.we had a medium-sized company in the meat and sausage wholesale with slaughtering and all EU approvals.through the Internet I came to the Fa.Hämmerle.From the first contact with Mr. Grassinger to the end, I was thrilled with the employees who supported us on site and the support at headquarters.Every employee was absolutely top in every respect.Problems were solved ad hoc and the support was enormous.I have often thought how you can have such good employees without exception.Competent,accurate,friendly etc..The sale was very good and the buyers were very diverse.It was a satisfaction for me that many small and young farms were happy through Hämmerle and us to improve their business.Among other things, a farm from the Ukraine is being rebuilt bought a lot and took away some knowledge.Also my very old live cattle scale has bought a young Pimontesserzüchter what was a pleasure for me.I have made many acquaintances that I also want to visit.I was also impressed by the fact that everyone helped everyone without being asked because there were some large and heavy machines etc. The Hämmerle employees also never looked at the clock when it was getting late. Finally, I would like to emphasize that the tax processing is a big factor and has been handled in the headquarters in the best way. Many greetings and a big thank you to all employees with whom I was allowed to work. Many greetings Uwe Schütz P.S. I hope that you sometime a two-wheeler for me have what stinks of gasoline.Then I bring a few Pimontesser T Bones with
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