If you want to do more with your money, but are not familiar with funds, shares, etc. and also do not really want / have time to deal with it in detail, then you are at the right address with Mr. Seifert.
The phone calls were very informative, well prepared and fun. The consultation is very pleasant, you get a good basic knowledge, and above all, the wishes and concerns of the customers are addressed and taken into account. Not just "anything" is selected, but the portfolio is carefully selected and also well explained.
In the entire consultation I did not have the impression that it is only about selling something, but that Mr. Seifert is interested in my long-term satisfaction and has selected the best possible for me. Immediately after the first consultation with Mr. Seifert, I had a good feeling and above all confidence to invest my money sustainably in the possibilities recommended by him.
In summary, I highly recommend Mr. Seifert.
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