Steinfeld Legal is a rapidly growing company from the sector of legal tech services. Located in the heart of Europe, we are a multilingual team of experienced lawyers and legal reviewers, who provide high quality services in the legal fields of... big data analysis, contract review and lease abstraction to law firms and AI software companies all over the world.
We took part in many multilingual and international projects.
Among our services we can offer:
lease abstraction;
managed document review;
litigation support;
legal process outsourcing;
due diligence;
training for the Artificial Intelligence.
Our team has experience with the following types of legal documents:
real estate lease contracts;
asset leases;
insurance policies;
license agreements;
terms and conditions;
sale contracts;
car leases;
Zapewnienie jakości jest dla ProvenExpert najwyższym priorytetem, przy ścisłym przestrzeganiu warunków użytkowania i wytycznych oceniania.
Jeśli mimo wszystko uważasz, że doszło do naruszenia postanowień, masz prawo zgłosić to za pośrednictwem poniższego formularza kontaktowego do zespołu ds. zapewniania jakości ProvenExpert w celu sprawdzenia.
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* Wymagane pola
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