
CL House, B141, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi

Información de contacto
Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic is the largest Aromatherapy brand in India. With over 170 signature aromatherapy-based products including skincare, haircare, essential oils and curative oils, we have created a niche in the cosmetics industry.

Información de contacto

CL House, B 141, Shahpur Jat, Near Khel Gaon,, New Delhi, Delhi 110049
110049 New Delhi

Persona de contacto
Aroma Magic

Imágenes y vídeos

4 estrellas 0
3 estrellas 0
2 estrellas 0
1 estrella 0
Servicio de atención al cliente
Excelente (5,00)

5 Reseñas en
 (últimos 24 meses)

5,00 de 5
5,00 de 5
I have been using Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic products for a few months now, and I must say they are fantastic! The quality of the skincare and haircare products is top-notch, and the essential oils are a game-changer. I highly recommend this brand to anyone looking for high-quality aromatherapy products. - Reviewed by Sarah Smith
Opinión de los clientes & valoración para:
21.06.2023De forma anónima
5,00 de 5
Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic is hands down the best aromatherapy brand in India. Their signature products, including curative oils, essential oils, skincare, and haircare, are superior in quality and effectiveness. I have been using them for months now and am thrilled with the results. Highly recommended! - Reviewed by John Doe
Opinión de los clientes & valoración para:
21.06.2023De forma anónima
5,00 de 5
I'm absolutely in love with Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic! As someone who has tried countless skincare, haircare, and essential oil brands, I can say with certainty that this is the best of the best. Their products are high-quality, effective, and affordable, making them accessible to everyone. I highly recommend giving them a try! - Reviewed by Jane Smith
Opinión de los clientes & valoración para:
21.06.2023De forma anónima
5,00 de 5
Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic is a game-changer in the cosmetics industry. Their signature aromatherapy-based products are of the highest quality and effectiveness. I have been using their essential oils and curative oils for months now and am thrilled with the results. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a natural skincare and haircare solution. - Reviewed by Michael Johnson
Opinión de los clientes & valoración para:
21.06.2023De forma anónima
5,00 de 5
I cannot recommend Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic enough! As someone who is deeply passionate about natural skincare and haircare, I was blown away by the quality and effectiveness of their products. Their essential oils, curative oils, skincare, and haircare products are all top-notch. Check them out if you're looking for a high-quality aromatherapy brand! - Reviewed by Emily Brown
Opinión de los clientes & valoración para:
21.06.2023De forma anónima
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