Havens Metal

Custom Sinks, Range Hoods, Fire Features, Bath & Spa

Havens Metal
5,00 z 5
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2 recenzje
Dane kontaktowe
Havens is an advanced metal fabricator of custom sinks and range hoods for the luxury home. Select from a wide range of copper and stainless steel sinks for the luxury home kitchen. Contact the Havens team for a quote on your home project today!

Dane kontaktowe

Havens Metal
707 West Park Avenue, Suite B
Edgewater, Florida (FL) 32132
Stany Zjednoczone
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Contact person
Alex Havens

4 Gwiazdki 0
3 Gwiazdki 0
2 Gwiazdki 0
1 Gwiazdka 0
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Bardzo dobra (5,00)
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Bardzo dobra (5,00)

2 opinii na ProvenExpert.com
 (last 24 months)

5,00 z 5
Bardzo dobra
5,00 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Let me start by saying I'm in love with my sink. Havens created me a custom farmhouse sink made from copper, and I'm very impressed with the level of quality and service I received. From the start, I worked with Olivia and she was very informative and knowledgeable. Who would have known there was so much to know about a sink...

I was trying to decide between stainless steel and copper, and had a hard time deciding. Havens was nice enough to offer to send me free samples, and they came in 3 days. That was when I knew this was THE company to work with. It is always a bit intimidating making a large purchase online, but they really eased all of my concerns.

After ordering the sink, I received a set of drawings for my approval. This made it SO EASY. My contractor made a small change, and we sent to Havens. I got the new draft back the same day with the change. It looked PERFECT. We approved it and wham - we were in there shop for fabrication.

During fabrication, they communicated very well. I received a photo of my sink when it was being welded, great touch! It is so cool to see how they do it. Shortly after that, my sink was ready for shipping, a full week ahead of the original lead time they provided. It took about 3 days to get to my home. Once it arrived, I was AMAZED!! Incredible. Thank you so much Havens for a exceptional experience.
Opinia dotycząca:
Havens Metal
5,00 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Havens is a great company to work with, very professional customer service and communication. They build very high quality metal products!
Opinia dotycząca:
Havens Metal
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