Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

Website Development | Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata | IT Staffing

Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,65 z 5
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7 recenzje
Dane kontaktowe
We, at Norlox Solutions, offer Website Designing, Digital Marketing, Graphic Designing, and IT Recruitment and consulting solutions to a diversified area of the various industries.
Working with Norlox Solutions provides you with the opportunity to...

Dane kontaktowe

Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
700156 Kolkata
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4 Gwiazdki 0
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1 Gwiazdka 0
Obsługa klienta
Dobra (4,29)
Cena/Stosunek jako
Dobra (4,17)

7 opinii na
 (last 24 months)

4,65 z 5
Bardzo dobra
4,60 z 5
Bardzo dobra
I availed the digital marketing service from them a few months back. I would like to say that they are a highly dedicated and focused team. They understood my requirements and worked accordingly to bring higher traffic to my website and generate leads.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,60 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Working with Norlox Solutions was a splendid journey. Their passion is unbeatable and they have creative and skillful team members. They completely helped us throughout our digital journey from designing the website to digital marketing.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,60 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Satisfactory work. Would be looking forward for more collaborations.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,80 z 5
Bardzo dobra
I am a Happy Client of Norlox Solutions. They are extremely dedicated to work and provides great services.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,60 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Highly professional. They maintain strict deadlines for work as required. I am happy with their Digital Marketing services.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,80 z 5
Bardzo dobra
Client friendly with great services. The Website Development service that I opted for my company was up to my expectations. Totally satisfied.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
4,54 z 5
Bardzo dobra
The best part of this company is that it helps the freshers to learn things. The senior and colleagues are supportive and helpful. The workplace is also great.
Opinia dotycząca:
Norlox Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
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