Satya Bandhu Arya

Medication guide, Yoga Therapist.

Satya Bandhu Arya
5,00 z 5
Bardzo dobra
1 recenzja
Dane kontaktowe
Yoga provides mental and physical benefits. Yoga can strengthen the body and relax the mind. Satya Bandhu Arya is a Yoga Therapist that provides Stress Reduction Strategies, Pranayama courses, and Stress workshops. Visit our website for more details.

Dane kontaktowe

Satya Bandhu Arya
9 Briars Lane, Wilmington, DE 19807
Wilmington, Delaware (DE) 19807
Stany Zjednoczone
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Contact person
Satya Bandhu Arya

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1 opinii na
 (last 24 months)

5,00 z 5
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5,00 z 5
Bardzo dobra
I really appreciate the value and quality services offered by the trained and experienced professional at Satya Bandhu Arya. I always leave feeling refreshed, empowered & nurtured. Best to set an appointment or pre-pay for effortless coordination. Plan to bring a friend or meet one there while working towards improved health & optimal wellness.
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Satya Bandhu Arya
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