Vibravision with Mas Mike

Energy Work, Higher Self Connection, Biohacking, Meditation

Vibravision with Mas Mike
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Vibravision® is one of the five (5) specialties of the 500+-year-old practice of Merpati Putih (MP), which means “white dove” in Indonesia. It is an energetic and martial arts practice that teaches a comprehensive system of combat, movement,...

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Vibravision with Mas Mike
Wall Avenue 1710
Ogden, Utah (UT) 84404
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Vibravision LLC

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5,00 z 5
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The Vibra Vision Immersion (Level 1) experience met and exceeded my expectations! I came into it wanting to open my heart, develop my intuition and learn to be more present. I had pretty good exposure to the concepts but knew I had much to learn about the energy building processes to follow. Mike delivered. Taking ancient practices and boiling them down to quick and effective methods to walk away with and practice in everyday life. I left in a happy but dialed buzz that lasted at a high level for the following days. Now I've continued my daily maintenance and know I have so much farther to go on this journey!
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Vibravision with Mas Mike
13.12.2023M@ E.
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Words definitely come short when it comes to describing what vibravision, mas Mike and his team delivers. They might have the tagline of unleashing your superpowers but it is so much more.

The journey of vibravision is the hero's journey. One of remembering that you are you're own hero in your life story and that you are going onwards to slay those internal dragons.

When you emerge victorious you realise that the dragons in your external life are a mere reflection of your own internal world.

Esoteric? Hardly. Metaphoric? You bet.

If you are ready to level up your life in a way that ripples out through the whole of your life then get to a vibravision immersion event.

Having your mind blown is only the first step.
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Vibravision with Mas Mike
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Mas Mike and his staff consistently go out of their way to provide the best possible training environment and support of all students. Everyone is equally supported and encouraged to do their best.
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Vibravision with Mas Mike
07.04.2023Keith R.
5,00 z 5
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Vibravision has been a breakthrough for me as a parent. As a mother, I have always been protective of my children and their safety. With Vibravision, I have been able to tap into my intuition and become more aware of my surroundings. This practice has given me a sense of peace knowing that I have the tools to protect my children in any situation. Not only has it given me a sense of security, but it has also deepened my spiritual journey. I am grateful to have discovered Vibravision and for the impact it has had on my life as a parent and a seeker.
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Vibravision with Mas Mike
5,00 z 5
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Vibravision has been an absolute game-changer for me in my business. As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to balance the demands of work and personal life while maintaining a sense of inner peace and connection. Since I began practicing Vibravision, I have experienced a deeper connection to my higher self and a greater sense of calm in the face of stressful situations. This has translated directly into my business, allowing me to make clearer decisions, tap into my intuition, and bring a higher level of awareness and presence to my work. Vibravision is not just a physical practice, but a holistic system for developing one's mind, body, and spirit. I would highly recommend Vibravision to anyone looking to tap into their full potential and unlock a deeper connection to themselves and their business.
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Vibravision with Mas Mike
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