Aron Mahari

Dating & Relationship Coach

Contact information
As a coach in the field of personality development, dating and relationships, Aron Mahari supports men in getting their dream women. His approach is completely without manipulation or games. Honest and direct is the motto.

With his blog articles,...

Contact information

Aron Mahari
Aron Mahari Grawert
Liberdastraße 15
12047 Berlin


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5 stars 46
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Excellent (4.78)
Excellent (4.81)

49 Reviews on

4.85 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
I have to say once again very clearly that I have gone through every point of the evaluation conscientiously and with the retrospective experience of Aron Mahari's coaching and have rated absolutely every point with 5 stars, as this coaching even exceeded my expectations.
I have had many coaching sessions with various dating/flirt coaches and for me Aron is by far one of the best in this field!
Aron has an enormous amount of practical and in-depth knowledge. He makes his YouTube videos himself and also coaches you himself. Unfortunately, this is not the case with many flirting/dating coaches. He knows his trade 110%, just as my father knows his trade as a master gas, water and heating fitter. I wouldn't make the comparison if I wasn't absolutely convinced that my father is one of the best craftsmen in the world in his field. I really mean that and it's not an exaggeration, even if it sounds like one. Aron's coaching is top-gun level for me! (The elite of the elite).
Everything he teaches you has its -> point of origin <- in his own hard experience story, how he gradually found out that it is absolutely okay to be a man and to stand by his sexual interest in women and to show them that clearly.
From the street to a happy relationship.

(It deserves a lot of credit to go down this path of dating/flirting coach, as you really have to be brave to do this if you are serious about men, like Aron; as the profession of flirting/dating coach is not exactly the most recognized profession, like being a policeman or fireman.
Aron's goal is to bring men and women closer together again, to bring more love and harmony between the sexes. And to go against the social opinion that women and men are equal in a sexual sense. Only by recognizing that women and men have been given different roles by evolution can we be successful in this area. However, this should not be misunderstood, as it is important for Aron to convey that women should have the same rights and recognition as men.
And that it is really important to fight for this! This is something that is often misunderstood in our society).

To show who a man is, what a man currently feels and to show this openly to women.
The women who really appreciate and like you for who you are will stay with you.
And those who don't suit you will leave.
It's basically quite simple:
- Find a goal (preferably a dream, something that absolutely fascinates you) in your life and pursue it consistently and with absolute priority focus over everything else.
- Only let yourself be dissuaded from this goal if you have really pursued it consistently for years.
And don't stop at the first headwind and think that it's not your thing.
If you really want it with every cell in your body, you will achieve it in your own individual way. Switch off your thinking (not your thoughts; there's a difference!) so that self-doubt and fears can no longer harm you!
- Be yourself, no matter what.
- Be 100% true to yourself (authenticity).
- Show that you are a man and show the woman that she can be a woman.
- Keep calm, everything has its time.

Aron is certainly not a god, even if it sounds like one. He is always developing himself further. He has simply understood for himself what the essence of his life is. And with focus, empathy, understanding and humor, he pursues his goals and shows his clients how to create a happy and fulfilling life for themselves. Yes, that's right: the whole life. Because if you want to master the art of dating and flirting, you usually have to get your life together first. As is the case with me.
But you must not forget that this is a process.
"The journey is the destination".
You can only find fulfillment in your life if you find your own meaning in the process of life, in what you do and therefore also in having fun.
You should understand that goals are important and achieving them is even more important, but it is not about the goal itself, but about the path you take.
You should only compare yourself with your past self and never with other people.

I end this review with these words:
Life can be really hard sometimes and it is not always fair and not everything can be influenced by you. But what you can influence you should damn well influence for the better, because it's your life. Your life, which you live for yourself and no one else! And it's not forbidden to accept help, as I did.

Aron showed me that you can live your life in peace without feeling like you've missed out on anything and that everything you need comes from within.

I rarely go to so much trouble for a relative stranger, but it was important to me to express my gratitude to Aron for his investment in me. If anyone deserves it, it's him!
In fact, Aron has become a role model for me during the coaching and I can say with full conviction that he is a true champion!
Without that, I don't think a coach is a real coach.
(Especially because he doesn't push you to do anything. Just as in some other coaching sessions you are passed around as a client in order, so the accusation goes, to empty your pockets).
I would definitely seek Aron out again and I recommend him to anyone who needs help in this area!

Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life, but let a wise (you don't have to be old to be wise and just because someone is old doesn't mean that person is automatically wise) coach help you, but also question things as I always do!

[What I've written about Aron and Aron's coaching may sound really highfalutin and too positive to be true. But it's not! I really wrote this review with full conviction about Aron and his coaching and I really wish more men could enjoy coaching with him.
I have really invested my money well in this coaching and the service I got back goes above and beyond. If you don't believe it, watch his YouTube videos and/or apply for a free consultation and/or read his book: "Ehrlich und Direkt: Frauen ansprechen ohne Tricks und Spielchen", then you'll see if you're really open to it :-) ]
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Super relaxed, honest and direct! Clear recommendation!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
4.92 out of 5
I was very satisfied with the whole dating concept of Aron. Aron and Gunnar could help me in my personal development over the 6 months very much. I just grew extremely and it continues after the coaching that I actively implemented what I learned and can record growth in all areas of life. I would have been happy if I could have done this coaching years before. Would recommend to everyone to do this coaching because Aron and Gunnar know exactly how to bring every man to success in life simply and authentically. Thanks again
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
In fact, this coaching has changed a lot for me. Actually, it has even had a noticeable effect on every area of my life.

Before, I was often blocked and although I have always been very extroverted, I never found it easy to openly show women that I liked them and to get closer to them. I was also afraid of rejection.

I read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos and nothing really worked for me. At some point I thought I was a lost cause and had already built up this inner dissatisfaction.

This coaching showed me the way to my inner strength and true masculinity. This path never ends and it is solely my responsibility to walk it.

Through the exchange in the group, I have learned that others feel the same way. Seeing how they all progress, develop and celebrate their successes was incredibly motivating.

The only catch to the whole thing is.... You have to join in and venture out of your comfort zone. Face your fears, stand by yourself and rise above.

This is really not for quitters! This coaching shows you the way. But you also have to walk it.

The coaches provide very personal and individual support, so that really everyone can make progress here.

I feel stronger, clearer and more authentic than before and I have the feeling that I am closer to all people and especially to myself than ever before.

The fact that I have met a lot of women and that the approach, hundreds of matches, flirting and dating at some point became completely normal for me, almost fades into the background.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
I was coached by Aron and his team for more than half a year and I am very happy that I chose his coaching. In addition, thanks to the coaching I met my girlfriend (while approaching her at a suburban train station) and now I am no longer SIngle, I have also learned many new things about myself and changed some of my behaviors: I have become more relaxed, calmer, more reflective and more aware of what I want and like and what not. My belief in honesty & transparency in communicating with people has been strengthened. The fears, uncertainties and doubts about dating have all but dissipated. Aron and his team were always checking it and following up on how diligent I was in approaching women, for example, or how my dates were going. I am very grateful for the coaching and wish Aron and his team only the best for the future.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Aron has been very good at helping me face my fears about approaching women, grow from them, and overcome them over and over again. I believe anyone can learn to approach women in a relaxed and humorous way with the right support, giving honest feedback about their own feelings and thoughts.
This is how you can find a partner who really suits you.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
4.78 out of 5
The 6-month coaching with Aron and Gunnar was definitely worth it for me. In my eyes, the coaching consists of three pillars:

Pillar 1 - One's inner life: My failure in getting to know women was largely due to negative beliefs about myself, women and dating in general. In the coaching I was picked up exactly at this point, these negative beliefs were confronted and thus dissolved. Aron and Gunnar have the talent to do this empathetically on the one hand, but on the other hand to really bring your own inner garbage to the surface in a tangible way. The whole thing is not discussed on a cerebral level, but brought to the surface in a really tangible way. This was sometimes painful, but only in this way was real transformation possible.

Pillar 2 - The outside: In small steps I learned to approach women, to talk to them and to get to know them. On the one hand, I learned important technical things, such as how to stop a woman on the street when approaching her (so that the woman stops first). I found it pleasant that such technical aspects are kept very short. It is not necessary to follow a lot of rules. You get the most important basics at hand and are not forced into any corset. Rather, it's about developing courage, taking action, and living through and healing all the negativity that comes up when you're speaking live on the street. (Which then bridges back to Pillar 1.) Second, these practice lessons train social intelligence, faith in oneself, and developing courage.

Pillar 3 - The Basics: While other coaching sessions fill entire books on this topic, Aron gives a concise and to the point overview of such basics as: How do I dress properly? What do I have to pay attention to in terms of personal hygiene? Aspects such as voice, body language, eye contact, etc. are also covered.

I also liked the following things about the basic nature of the coaching:

- Authenticity: at every point in the coaching, it was about really expressing what it's like in the moment. I'm approaching a woman right now and I'm super nervous? --> Great, then show the woman exactly that! Act really counter-impulsive, make yourself vulnerable in front of the woman. It's not about getting the woman "somehow". It's about being brave, approaching women and just showing up with everything you are. It was impressive to experience for myself what power lies in this honest authenticity, in this revealing of one's own vulnerability.

- Focus: Aron has the talent to recognize the real problem. Sometimes I have described a question / a problem in the Sunday sharing rounds and thought I already had an idea where to start in order to solve the problem. Unfortunately, one is influenced by one's own patterns, perception filters, etc. in the process. In such situations Aron has the talent to recognize and address the real problem or the real cause with foresight and depth. This, of course, allows the whole thing to be solved efficiently.

- Exercises: Aron has many small practical exercises in live training that specifically trigger and dissolve your own inhibitions. For example, fears of pauses in conversation or worrying thoughts such as "What should others think?" are specifically confronted. From then on, it can be really fun to approach a woman in the presence of other people (either in the presence of other passers-by, or the woman is out with her friends).

If you are willing to be active and put yourself in a position to meet attractive women in all kinds of situations, you are definitely in good hands with Aron and Gunnar.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Great man, knows what he is talking about! Highly recommended!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Hey Aron. I would like to say a big thank you for your coaching. For the time and energy you put into me. And for the great experiences I had since the coaching. This is the best thing that has happened in my life so far. Thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
No coach offers such individual support. The WhatsApp support is simply unbeatable. Not one message per day like other coaches. Instead, acute problems such as relationship crises are helped immediately and until things get better. The price-performance ratio is simply unbeatable. This is not my first coaching and the content of the online academy is just insane. So much effort and care. With Aron you can tell that he loves what he does.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Structured course of personality (further) development, optimization of the appearance, create an online profile, which gets a lot of encouragement and concrete steps from getting to know (how and how to increase the number of ladies met), the concrete dating process (how is it fun for all involved) to a systematic how to find a dream woman. Great conversations with other men. who are in the course. In the process, one gets: An insane amount of things happen. Men who are over 30 and have never had sex, have after a short time the 1st time. Who is open and honest on an adventurous sex life there are things that you otherwise only read in books. His 1:1 coaching in Berlin is legendary. I had an initially exciting time and in the end found my dream woman, which I could not imagine in my wildest dreams. Thank you Aron!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
4.80 out of 5
Aron manages to feel picked up within a very short time. Don't have the impression he is my couch but rather a bro who plays the wingman from a distance. What the best bro's can also do is show you your blind spots, rebuild you, motivate you, listen to you etc. etc.! Recommendation factor 10/10
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
4.40 out of 5
I have learned a lot and am no longer the man I was before the coaching. It is fun to develop and see results.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
I notice that I have become more communicative and authentic since the coaching.
In addition, there are still free group events.
Aron and Gunnar are always available for my questions.
Through the coaching I have also been able to get acquainted with other participants. We support each other in our growth. Super cool group!
100% recommendation.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Before meeting Aron, women and relationships were more of a random thing.
To change something in my life, I started looking into flirting. I stumbled across the book' Honest and direct ' 😉The described way of flirting in the book I liked and appealed to me. After the first contact with Aron, I decided to take his coaching. Since then, many things have changed. I have overcome some personal challenges, gained new experiences and met many interesting women. Two to four dates a week are now standard than exception. I am looking forward to continue to develop. To find a partner that I want and fits me ( No more coincidences 😉 )
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
I was particularly satisfied and motivated by the dedicated, individual and very personal support during the workshop. The materials provided are very practical and professional.
The suggestions and techniques for going beyond one's usual behavioral patterns and leaving well-trodden paths made me achieve my goals and gave me a great deal of personal development.
It was really fun!
I recommend Aron Mahari and his work without reservation!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Aron Mahari brings years of experience and deep expertise when it comes to personal development. He and his extensive coaching is the cornerstone of my now so fulfilled and happy life. It has been the most valuable investment of my life. THANK YOU!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Aron was always available, has good appointment scheduling - even at late hours or in the morning and the one hour Skype conversations were often over an hour long and that without any additional charge. He is also a totally easy-going and humorous guy himself and knows exactly when you are avoiding something and then pushes you to get out of your comfort zone. He explains step by step in simple, small steps how to get closer to your goal. I liked that very much.
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Aron Mahari is an absolute professional when it comes to learning how to get to know women. He goes into great detail and with a lot of understanding and empathy for the individual character of each person and sees even the smallest weaknesses. He really showed me many things about my appearance and personality that I was never aware of and ways to improve them.

Also very good is the advice via WhatsApp - you never feel alone and can talk about really everything, pour out his complete heart. You always find a sympathetic ear and help as well as constant motivation, which makes it impossible to hang out and pulls you out of any emotional low very quickly.

The online courses are very well structured and are actually more of a holistic personality training than just a "flirting school".

My big thanks to Aron and his team - they have greatly enriched me personally, expanded my skills and without them I would never have met my current girlfriend!👍

On the whole, I give Aron & Team the rating "Particularly Valuable" and wish him a lot more success in the future!
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Customer review & rating for:
Aron Mahari
5.00 out of 5
Before I started coaching with Aron, it was impossible for me to approach or meet a woman on the street. With him I learned everything how to approach women always and everywhere and especially charming, so that every woman is happy to be approached by me. During the coaching I could experience everything that a man can experience in an active dating life and meanwhile I was sometimes sad because a woman has rejected me, but there Aron was always for me and has for hours with various tips and advice to get me out of my situation, which has also helped me a lot and I then become active again. What I meant was that Aron has always been there for me, no matter what the situation and always tries to bring me to my goal. I can still write a lot, as I have developed with him and what I have learned there, has brought me not only in the dating life further but also at work, with the friends uvm...
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Aron Mahari
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