Bike Academy Berlin

Buying advice and bike fitting in Berlin

Bike Academy Berlin
4.82 out of 5
404 Reviews
Contact information
Finally pain-free, comfortable and fast cycling! Get rid of knee pain, numbness and back pain.

For road bikes, gravel bikes and triathlon bikes.

Contact information

Bike Academy Berlin
Charlottenburger Straße 4
14169 Berlin

Contact person
Thomas Pollesche

98% Recommended
5 stars 204
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Excellent (4.92)
Excellent (4.84)
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4.98 out of 5
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4.95 out of 5
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4.91 out of 5
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4.89 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
An absolutely top experience that even exceeded my expectations. From the consultation to the detailed and clear explanations to the fitting, everything was great. Thomas took a lot of time for my personal case, analyzed my mobility and my problems and answered all my questions. My racing bike was adjusted perfectly, competently and professionally and now it's as if I'm sitting on a new bike. Riding is now twice as much fun. Short-term appointments were also no problem. A clear recommendation for all cyclists.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
I did a bike fitting to prevent any long term effects from a suboptimal position on the bike. Thomas took a lot of time understanding my goal, preconditions and body condition and helped me by not only fixing my position on the bike, but also by showing me where I need to improve and what else I can do to ride my bike in a more sustainable, healthier way. I left after a few hours, feeling a lot more confident.
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
As a complete newcomer to cycling, I sought advice from Thomas in January. Together we were able to find a suitable bike and set it up.
With the perfectly matched equipment, I was spared a lot of suffering so that I was able to concentrate directly on training and achieve my goal of the Vätternrundan 315 km in my first season.
An absolutely great experience for me.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
The average speed on the same route is 10% better directly after the bikefit.
I feel more comfortable and stable on the bike and as a beginner cyclist I have also learned a lot.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
I felt well looked after by Thomas. From analysis and changes to the settings to advice on possible equipment alternatives and additions ... everything was great.
As a result, I ride without knee pain and a feeling of pressure, even over long distances.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
04/24/2024Frank M.
5.00 out of 5
I opted for a bike fitting because I have problems with my hips when riding a road bike. At the Bike Academy, I and my bike were methodically and convincingly analyzed and changes were suggested. I now ride much more gently on my hips (and as a side effect also more calmly). When calculating your own price, you should take into account from the outset that, depending on the results of the analysis, parts of the bike may have to be replaced. For me personally, the effort was definitely worth it. The result is noticeable.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
Always happy to do it again! It was totally worth it for me.
Thomas first fitted me on an older TT bike that I had received as a gift. Result: top position, fast and comfortable. I could then achieve a few top 5 results in the area and 5 hours on the TT in the aero position is no problem at all.
I was so impressed that I booked a purchase consultation and fitting for my gravel bike with Thomas. Result: absolutely great. 8 hours or more with no discomfort, comfortable and fast on the road.
I can only recommend it!
Bonus: through Bike Academy you also have access to a great trainer: Michael Wiedersich. It's also worth making use of his services.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
03/29/2024Rares D.
5.00 out of 5
We wanted to buy new racing bikes and not do anything wrong. So we contacted Thomas and let him give us comprehensive advice on sizing before we bought. He later adjusted the new bikes to our physical conditions. Thomas made a very competent impression and we were able to follow his explanations very well. Great work Thomas! We are already looking forward to the new season so that we can experience the new setup on extensive tours. Thank you, all the best and stay healthy. Katrin & Heiko
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
12/23/2023Heiko S.
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
Thank you very much! Then spring can come :-) Greetings Thomas
2.00 out of 5
Unfortunately, I was so annoyed that I am only submitting a review over 2 months late. Hopefully this will help me to use objective wording.

I have been doing various endurance sports for decades (marathons, cycling marathons up to 200 km, triathlons up to middle distance, so far only without a handlebar attachment). The purpose of the bike fitting, as communicated to the supplier, was to check my subjectively perceived suitable setting for the road bike and to adapt it to my newly purchased handlebar attachment, so that I have a setting that is suitable for riding both with and without a handlebar attachment. A price of 399 euros was agreed for this.

I had my bike fitting appointment with Thomas. He first measured my foot, had me do a few mobility exercises and then let me ride the bike in various positions for video analysis. The technical equipment in the studio made a good impression on me.
The result of the analysis was that I have limited mobility, especially in my hip. But not only that. Thomas had to repeat it at least 5 times during the consultation and explicitly emphasize how bad my mobility values are. But that's not all: someone with such mobility deficits comes to him less than once a year. Even if this is not as mercilessly exaggerated as it seems to me, but is really the truth: this is no way to treat your customers. His question as to whether I don't notice that the cyclists I meet on the road during training move their hips less than I do shows me that he has absolutely no idea of the visual and haptic body perception of the average amateur athlete.

There was also a kind of side issue, which in the end no longer interested me at all, but which he wouldn't let go of. He was determined to persuade me to have a personal trainer look after me. Although I explained to him in detail exactly why I didn't want this, he didn't stop talking about it because he simply didn't understand or didn't want to understand my motivation.

His final conclusion was that I can't ride sensibly in the road bike position and certainly not on the trailer. If he were to adjust me anyway, it would damage his image if someone saw me riding and I told them that I had been adjusted by him. He also gave me a shoe recommendation based on the measurement of my sole and a recommendation to shorten my crank length. He then only charged me 199 euros instead of 399 euros, but he didn't want to provide the service I had actually booked. I was then given illustrated instructions with exercises with the fascia roller, which I had already been doing in a similar form 1-2 times a week anyway. However, it was touted as a kind of miracle program that would enable me to be so fit after 8 weeks with 5-10 minutes a day that he could do the bike fitting for me. However, he didn't explicitly offer to do this for the difference of 200 euros.

In general, bike fitting at the Bike Academy Berlin only seems to be aimed at professional athletes or recreational athletes with professional-like ambitions and very good body awareness. Amateur athletes seem to be in the wrong place.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Fitting
12/22/2023Wolf-Ulrich R.
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
The bearer of the news...

If I still put my receipts in analog form in your shoe box (you're an accountant), everything is crumpled up and the numbers are illegible, you would certainly point out the absolute basics to me. Even if I had always done it this way, it doesn't make it any better, does it?

You certainly can't work like that and end up accepting liability for it. I am "liable" for the result and as I was unable to help in the situation at the time, we ended the appointment after two hours. With the advice to follow up when the physical situation improved. Your assertion in the assessment is (according to the mail) clearly wrong!

Before that, I tried to use video images to show you the stress you are putting on your back if you have already completed many bike races and triathlons. Whether this is healthy for your body is more than questionable. Your understanding of this was not apparent to me.

As I deal honestly with my customers, I described these deficits to you - very carefully at first and then quite clearly after a while.

The fact that you don't have body awareness is nothing negative. In my experience, however, it is precisely this group of people who regularly run the risk of being faced with a major health problem very spontaneously, as the precursors are not registered. It's nobody's fault, but unfortunately that's the way it is. And that's why I see it as my responsibility to point this out to you.

I have also tried to make that clear to you. I didn't promise you a "miracle plan". I merely described my very good experience with certain exercises that can help you. I also explicitly did not recommend a "personal trainer". These are the next false claims.

My recommendation was to take control of your exercises. Especially without good body awareness, it can only be positive to have support and corrective advice during the exercises. Perhaps your independent practice has also led to you being very shortened despite supposedly "training for mobility". The instability around your hips and feet also needs to be trained.

My advice on performance was aimed at getting fitter and not chronically overstraining yourself.

In my email, I suggested that you check your mobility again after 8 weeks and continue the appointment if necessary. Please read through the email again.

Perhaps at some point you will be grateful that we have uncovered numerous issues and had the opportunity to work on them. If not now, then certainly later. I'm sure you'll then realize that I didn't take anything from you, but only charged you for the analysis as discussed.

If you're still not making any progress and after two months you're making critical and sometimes incorrect comments on various platforms, perhaps some support and guidance would be interesting? Sometimes it makes sense to take a step back in order to move forward. I cordially invite you to think about it!

In less extreme cases, the users of this service are grateful for valuable information on how to develop further.

I get up every day to ensure that my customers are better on their bikes than before - if, as in this very special case, it is not possible immediately, I am just the bearer of the news. I communicate openly and honestly. History has shown that the messenger is not seen in a positive light.

I don't know how important honesty is to you in your job.

I wish you a peaceful and reflective Christmas

5.00 out of 5
Being new to the game I was hesitant at first but imagine my surprise that I am riding faster/smoother and with next to no pain for hours now.
There is still a lot I need to work on but I was shown how to train and most of all where to train.

Will come back for next season and check my progress.
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
Today my first bike fitting completed with Thomas. Super nice and competently done. Great results achieved with state-of-the-art technology and know-how. I can only recommend
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
09/29/2023Gregor K.
5.00 out of 5
The bikefitting session with Thomas was absolutely great. I got his contact from a friend of mine and was very happy with it.
He took a lot time to find my individual needs and then I got 3 hours with a very detailed analysis of my bike and me. We found a new setting for my bike and I can feel a huge difference after three rides. A lot of faster too since I am using my left leg now! :)
So in the end absolutely worth it. Thomas has a huge knowledge on the topics, perfect equipment and I learned a lot!
So thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
08/30/2023Tom E.
5.00 out of 5
The experience with Thomas was both practical and education at the same time.
Even before we sat on the bike, Thomas spent time taking my history, my fitness level, my goals. Then he made me do some stretches so he can access the limitations.
The actual bike fit was very scientific. Pressure pads were used on saddle and shoes. We quickly learnt that I had disbalance, with 75% of power coming from left hip. Thomas corrected all that. With multiple iterations, the balance was restored and biking fell very comfortable.
It has been a months since I had that fit and the comfort on bike is amazing now.
I am glad I went to Thomas and I would highly recommend him to anyone serious about improving on bike. Right bike fit is more important than any aero helmet or any other investment.
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
08/01/2023Rishi S.
5.00 out of 5
After much deliberation, I have decided as a hobby triathlete that an expert looks at my racing bike and me times more closely and under the magnifying glass to finally find out why I get since last year always neck pain and pressure pain under the balls of the feet, followed by short pains in the wrists. I am fully satisfied with the general service and care during the bike fitting, I was answered all questions and I got a lot of input about a lot of data that I did not know before. During several measurement rides, my seating position was adjusted. It was determined that I need other shoes and that my current insoles are not suitable for my feet.
Thank you very much and I can only recommend Bike Academy Berlin. I will be back!
Sascha E.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
I came to Bike Academy as a beginner and Thomas and Adam adjusted perfectly to my level. My concerns that I might be treated from above by the professionals were already dispelled in the first phone call. I am very happy with all the adjustments and the explanations. This was definitely not the last time I was here and I can absolutely recommend an appointment there! Thank you!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
2.00 out of 5
From my point of view, bikefitting is suitable for beginners at best. My desire was to sit as efficiently as possible on the bike.
What I lacked is at least try to put the saddle forward or back to look where the power transmission is best.
Furthermore, the stem was not tested to put higher or lower for a possibly better aerodynamics at the same efficiency. How does the height of the stem on the shoulder-neck area? No test!
The cleats were also not changed or tested.
So basically I was just put on my bike, apparently everything looked more or less good. Maybe I was already sitting perfectly on the bike? Then you could have Evtl say it's all ok, but demand the full price? Very well.
In advance, you should specify the reason for the bikefitting, as well as information about the bike, etc., which I did. In the bikefitting itself was then asked everything again. So poorly prepared or not prepared at all. My time to fill out the form in advance I could have saved.
The hoods I should set differently myself afterwards. Maybe this is not part of the fitting?
All in all, a lot of money for little performance.
Maybe my requirements for a bikefitting are too high. For me it felt like money thrown out. Too bad!!!
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
Dear "anonymous

Thank you for your feedback.

Of course we are happy about every beginner we can put on the bike safe and sound. Also, numerous very ambitious cyclists and triathletes are enthusiastic users of our process and recommend us daily.

Both Adam and I always ask the same question at the end of the fitting, "Do you have any questions or requests?"

Usually, your evaluation documents in great detail why what happened. Also there it says in the last paragraph that we are always available for questions and feedback. If necessary, this can be done by sending us an e-mail or by telephone. So far, everything has been clarified this way.

This procedure makes it much easier for both sides to come to a satisfactory conclusion - but it does require leaving anonymity.

In any case, we will discuss your answers to our online questionnaire on site to find out more details. Wouldn't it be rather strange if we didn't talk about your information? Perhaps questions arose on our part? Maybe certain contexts needed to be clarified?

In any case, thank you for the time you took to fill out the questionnaire. This information will be discussed in every appointment!

Why what supposedly did not happen cannot be clarified in this - from your side anonymous - framework.

Maybe certain settings could not be made because the bike did not allow it? Maybe there were limitations in the area of mobility or stability?

If your brake lever could not be adjusted in the bike fitting, this had in any case a valid reason (e.g. later conversion of the handlebar up to defective screws, many things are possible).

Each fitting is documented in great detail - but I have to enter a name for it to be able to view the data.

I will be very happy to help you if you make direct contact with us and reply to the mail regarding your evaluation. We can gladly clarify any open question and give everything that you will be thrilled by the bike fitting final - like the numerous 5 star reviewers here.

Many greetings

5.00 out of 5
I am absolutely thrilled to pen down a heartfelt and comprehensive recommendation for Bike Academy Berlin, a remarkable bike fitting that has left an indelible impression on me. Not only did they provide me with a top-notch, personalized fitting experience, but their level of expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction truly exceeded my expectations.

Upon my arrival at Bike Academy Berlin, I was greeted by Thomas, a consummate professional and skilled specialist who immediately made me feel at ease with his warm demeanor and extensive knowledge. Throughout the entire process, he demonstrated a keen attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Thomas began by performing a full pressure analysis of rider-bike contact points, which allowed us to pinpoint the exact areas that required adjustment. This meticulous assessment provided the foundation for a series of well-thought-out and precise modifications that were tailored to my unique needs and preferences.

We first focused on adjusting the saddle, taking care to consider factors such as height, tilt, and fore-aft position. Thomas then recommended changing the crank length to better suit my pedal stroke and body geometry, which resulted in a more comfortable and efficient riding experience.

Next, we delved into optimizing my cleat position, ensuring proper alignment and reducing the risk of potential injuries. This attention to detail extended to Thomas providing me with new shoe insoles that offered enhanced support and comfort for my feet.

Furthermore, Thomas took note of my preference for a specific saddle shape and suggested an upgrade to a professional version of it - using much more reliable foam. This subtle yet significant improvement has made a world of difference in my overall cycling experience.

Throughout the entire process, Thomas displayed an unwavering commitment to my satisfaction, patiently answering my questions and addressing my concerns. His dedication to his craft and deep understanding of the art and science of bike fitting were truly inspiring, leaving me with a newfound appreciation for this essential aspect of cycling.

In summary, I wholeheartedly recommend Bike Academy Berlin to anyone seeking a professional, personalized, and transformative bike fitting experience. With specialists like Thomas, you can rest assured that your every need will be meticulously attended to, ultimately resulting in a more enjoyable and fulfilling cycling experience. Bike Academy Berlin is, without a doubt, an exceptional place that should be at the top of every cyclist's list.
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
5.00 out of 5
We're lucky to have several professional bike fitting services available in Berlin and after a few days of research I booked a free consultation with Thomas at Bike Academy. I noticed that many other sites encourage you to book/checkout right away and I appreciate that Bike Academy takes the time to ensure a good match between your needs and the services offered before confirming an appointment.

Thomas was very friendly over the phone during the consultation. We spent about 15m talking about my cycling history, current bike, and goals for the visit. We ended the call with an appointment confirmed and about a week later I traveled down to their relaxed studio in Berlin-Zehlendorf.

I was greeted with a warm welcome and spent the next three hours going through different phases of the bike fit with Adam, a bike fitting specialist, which included an assessment of my flexibility, video captures, dynamic pressure point mapping, and various adjustments of the bike components. Combining all of these inputs with my feedback, Adam was able to build up an informed picture of my fit to inform potential changes.

We adjusted the handlebar tilt, saddle tilt, and seat height. We identified that my shoes were too narrow. We also determined that my saddle was too long and uncomfortably stiff. I ended up with brand new Lake CX242 cycling shoes, Shimano Ultegra pedals, semi-custom insoles, and a gebioMized saddle. I was pleasantly surprised by the premium selection of products in-store!

Overall, I had a fantastic experience and fully recommend the services of Thomas and Adam. The detailed report sent to me afterwards will be invaluable as I continue to improve my cycling and it's clear to me that this is just the start of our relationship. I plan to stay in touch with the team at Bike Academy and look forward to return for any follow-ups!
Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
02/08/2023Devon B.
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
Thank you very much, Devon! It was a pleasure! Adam & Thomas
4.80 out of 5
After a long wait, I finally got my new bike just before Christmas.And this time I did not want to make the same mistake again, all the settings, which address the seating position, to make yourself.
It has never fit properly and has caused asleep limbs, or partial pain.
Through an acquaintance, I came to the Bike Academy Berlin.

After a simple online registration I drove with a great expectation to Thomas and the expectations were exceeded.
It was an absolutely great and competent advice.
In the preliminary meeting, problems were discussed and evaluated, the seating position was analyzed, the body measurements were taken and transferred to the bike, and a test of mobility was made.
And what I did not expect at all, that my feet and the non-fitting cycling shoes were my main problem.
After I got from Thomas suitable shoes with insoles adapted to me, everything was like new.
Better power transmission, no pressure problems....
This was also confirmed by the evaluation on the PC, which was explained by Thomas in a very detailed and understandable way.
Now I'm looking forward to the new cycling season, with many great rides without pain.

I can only recommend to anyone who likes to cycle a lot and has similar problems to make an appointment with Thomas.

Thank you Thomas for your great work and the great morning in a relaxed atmosphere.

See you soon and sporty greetings

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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
01/10/2023Roland B.
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
Dear Roland, thank you for the detailed feedback. Then the cycling season can come! I wish you a lot of fun with the wheel and all the time good trip! See you next time! Thomas
5.00 out of 5
The / the existing expertise / knowledge are perfectly applied to sit as a customer afterwards on the bike more satisfied and comfortable, to save his health and yes, also faster and more effective. Many thanks for it.
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Customer review & rating for:
Bike Academy Berlin
Bike Academy Berlin Comment from Bike Academy Berlin:
Thanks a lot, Andreas! With your buying advice, the great wheel and the appropriate setup you are perfectly positioned for the next trips! Have a good ride!
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