Internet video-chat, phone and In-Office sessions. Dr. Levine is one of only 10 Board-Certified Clinical Psychologists within a 5-mile radius of Beverly Hills. To learn why you should demand ONLY a Board-Certified Psychologist click on:...
Dr. Levine received a Ph.D. (not Psy.D.) degree from Hofstra University in NY and then completed a 2-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Prior to moving to LA, he was the Chief Psychologist at Mt. Sinai South Nassau Medical Center in NY and after arriving in LA in 2012 he served as a Clinical Psychologist at the UCLA School of Medicine and opened a private practice in both Beverly Hills and at Cedars-Sinai Medical Tower. "Private" is the key word, as when you call, Dr. Levine himself will answer the phone personally. You will not be required to speak with some unknown secretary, office manager or other stranger to discuss your personal concerns.
Without doubt, Dr. Levine was a wonderful psychologist for me. Not only a super person, but an insightful and highly competent doctor. The old saying “You get what you pay for” is correct!
Alle Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Dr. Bruce Levine sind subjektive Meinungen der Verfasser | Für den Inhalt der Seite ist der Profilinhaber verantwortlich |
Profil aktiv seit 19.04.2020 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 18.07.2022
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