Filter King is a true microscopic cooking oil filtration machine that will extend the life of your cooking oil by 50% or more while giving you consistently great fried food 7 days a week for your restaurant. This easy-to-use and easy-to-store... mobile system removes crumbs as well as the microscopic sediment from the oil that, if ignored, will degrade the oil irreversibly.
Filter King is heavy duty all stainless steel built for commercial applications with American parts and labor, 1/3 HP motor and 5 Gal per minute reversible pump. The cooking oil passes through 2 unique patent pending filter systems which force and seal every drop through a microscopic filter process before returning to the fryer. We call this process the, "Double forced & sealed filtration process" which is the science behind our technology making it vastly different than many other machines in today's market.
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