"Global Indian international school, Kuala Lumpur aims to nurture young minds to transform them into the leaders of tomorrow. Through their skill-based and value-focused teaching, the school strives to create a balance for emphasis on academics... along with a love for extracurriculars.
Sports and arts are introduced at an early stage to ensure an appreciation for endeavors outside of the purview
My daughter always had a flair for STEM subjects and has an eternal love for science. As an expatriate in Malaysia, she wanted to continue with the Cambridge IGSE Programme before leaving the country to pursue high school education back in Britain.
GIIS thoroughly promotes STEM courses and has a designated robotics lab. They are big on practical learning that is ideal for further high school education. We did not have to think twice before choosing GIIS.
Sehr Gut (5,00)
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Global Indian International School (GIIS) Kuala Lumpur Campus
My son is studying at GIIS, an international school in KL. I am happy to recommend it to other parents, as it offers the best environment. My son, a shy child, has become curious and is happy to ask a dozen questions in one go! For me, that is a major achievement, and it shows how much the teachers have put into the child.
Erfahrungsbericht & Bewertung zu:
Global Indian International School (GIIS) Kuala Lumpur Campus
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Profil aktiv seit 09.02.2021 | Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.04.2021
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