If you are facing serious criminal charges, do not wait another minute to hire our aggressive criminal defense attorney. At Horwath Law, we represent people who have been accused or charged with crimes in Tacoma, WA. Our attorney can help you... understand your rights and defend you and give you the best legal representation possible. We have successfully handled many criminal cases and have a reputation for success and experience with all types of criminal cases in Washington.
Angela Horwath has extensive experience as a criminal defense attorney and is well respected in the legal community. Prior to opening Horwath Law in 2008, she gained valuable trial experience as a public defender at The Department of Assigned Counsel located in Pierce County, Washington. Angela’s private practice is devoted to criminal defense. She has particular trial experience in the area of domestic violence defense and DUI. Ms. Horwath is one of the most caring and skilled Tacoma criminal defense attorneys. She has successfully handled all facets of the most complex criminal charges and provides the same dedication and effort into each case.
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