Dr. Rana Irfan a Guru of FUE Hair Transplant surgery has been meticulously performed more than 20 thousand successful surgeries. He has adopted a systematic approach during the surgical procedure of hair transplant in Pakistan. Years of experience... increase his expertise which makes him the best Hair Transplant surgeon in Pakistan. His expertise is not limited to one procedure; that why he acclaimed himself of performing both procedure FUE and FUT Hair Transplant. He is the first person in Pakistan that has introduced the modern method of best FUE Hair Transplant in Pakistan; even he originated a new method termed as IFI (Irfan follicular Implants) to stop the hair grafts wastage which happened in FUT.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the modern method of Hair Transplant; in which the grafts are collected from the donor area individually (one by one). This method is purely beneficial for all those who want to cover the small area of baldness. Alsothis procedure has minimized the suffering of the patient because this procedure doesn’t involve deep cuts and stitches. Dr. Rana Irfan in practicing in FUE hair transplant in Pakistan since 2006; when most of the surgeon in Pakistan are unaware of this method.
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