Stress in everyday life cannot be prevented, but dealing with it can.
Inner peace and serenity bring more ease and quality of life with them and this is transferred to the whole family.
I help especially women to understand the behavior of their sensitive dog as a symptom and to recognize what is really behind it as a primal laughter.
Highly sensitive dogs react to every little thing of their owners and reflect this through their undesirable behavior.
These dogs have made it their business to be attentive to their humans in their personal development and in perceiving their needs.
It is comparable, as with us humans, we do not react to what our soul needs, we become ill.
In relation to the dog, this means that if we do not accept his gift (to want to help us), in the long term it can lead to allergies and even diseases.
With these special dogs it is important to pay attention to how the human feels and in which developmental phase of life he/she is currently in.