It was two completely different seminar days. Stefan responded very well to the participants and conveyed the content in such a way that everyone could take something away with them. I was in the group on the first day and went home highly satisfied and reported at home as well as at work about this super informative day full of energy. I was even allowed to bring a group work on the flipchart and explain it on both days, that was a very good feeling. Stefan also explained very well that we should not only criticize objectively, but also be proud of our work (praise), which all colleagues also absorbed and internalized after the two days. After a few days away from the seminar, I can clearly say that the preparation with Stefan and Mrs. Simonis has paid off. We are motivated to implement the contents of the seminar days and will discuss them again afterwards in small groups to see whether the goals that were set have already been put into practice. Thanks to Stefan and Mrs. Simonis for the good preparation and implementation.
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