I decided to train as a BBC Parent Coach because after the birth of my first child I realized that I no longer felt comfortable in the field I had been working in. In fact, the thought of returning to the office after parental leave really made me panic. Without any specific reason or person, but the feeling of no longer fitting in there almost overwhelmed me. Even then, I was toying with the idea of doing something completely different. But as it happens, I played it safe and went back to the office with fewer hours. Now with my second child, I fit even less into the high performance culture of a large corporation, few hours, lots of absences due to sick children.
During the last wave of rationalization, I was affected by job cuts, but it didn't make me sad, it felt more liberating. Now I can do what I've been dreaming of for a long time. I started my training at BBC AKADEMIE almost immediately after my employer announced it.
I've been with them for a while now and I feel that I've been really well supported in terms of content. I think the modules on offer are really good, even if I'm not quite ready yet. I've now completed the first big module, coaching, and I already feel that I've been picked up so well because it's exactly the topics that I can already implement for myself. Of course, I've already heard one or two things on the subject, but now, as part of the training, really getting to grips with it, going into the conscious, that helps me a lot in terms of content & personally. The personal support from Alice & Maren is also a big plus. In fact, I only recently thought about the fact that I would recommend the concept without reservation.
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