Dein Inneres Kind heilen

Coaching & Training

Dein Inneres Kind heilen
4.89 out of 5
418 Reviews
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Mit Innerer-Kind-Transformation belastende Gefühle wie Angst, Selbstzweifel, Wut, Einsamkeit auflösen. Für mehr Selbstliebe, eine erfüllte Herzens-Beziehung und ein Leben ohne Ängste.

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Dein Inneres Kind heilen
Suite 225C 2880 W Oakland Park Blvd
Oakland Park, Florida (FL) 33311
United States of America

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MarkusAsanoCoaching LLC


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4.97 out of 5
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4.87 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
Es war für mich als ältere Frau nahezu eine Erlösung mit Markus‘s Hilfe mich der Reise zu meinem inneren Kind zu stellen und es hat sich für mich in der kurzen Zeit schon so viel verändert, gelöst, was sich in meinem langen Leben schon so fest verankert hatte, vor allem in der Partnerschaft; unser Zusammenleben hat wieder mehr Leichtigkeit bekommen und unser Miteinande vereinfacht. Ich hatte immer die Einstellung, warum soll ich! immer was ändern, aber ich habe jetzt was geändert und somit hat auch mein Partner sich verändert und geöffnet;
Auch das gesamte Programm,die Meditationen , einfach alles hat mich begeistert und motiviert dran zu bleiben…
Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
I tidied up a lot from my childhood. And even in adult situations, the emergency process helps a lot. After an argument, a stressful day at work or just because my gut tells me to ...

Since then, I've had open conversations with my parents, I'm more relaxed at work where I sometimes need ten hands at the same time, I've become braver and can speak my mind!

I'm thrilled that something like this exists in this form, I don't have to travel anywhere and I have a free schedule! Thank you "
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
Despite the seriousness of the topic/subject matter, it is not melancholy, but is conveyed/communicated with great friendliness, lightness, as well as openly, honestly and benevolently, and the aha (click) moments are not long in coming.
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
I'm in the process of understanding my inner child better.... am coming more and more into my center
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
The meditations bring me back to myself. When I feel bad, insecure or overwhelmed, the emergency process helps me.

My relationship came back on track after 6 weeks of the program and is going better than before. I am freer and no longer cling.
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
4.80 out of 5
The emergency process really is a miracle cure. It has helped me particularly with the pain of separation. Because I have a long-distance relationship and I didn't experience closeness and love as a child, the emergency process helps me to come back into the present moment, especially with my breath.

I'm getting better at dealing with emotional setbacks and I can accept even difficult moments and quickly get back to the here and now.

A huge thank you 🙏🏻☺️für for the great work you put into helping people to heal themselves. Thank you, thank you, thank you, you are great and I will definitely recommend you to others;
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
Dein Fachwissen ist sehr gut erklärt; dadurch verständlich, nachvollziehbar u. absolut motivierend... durch ziemlich früh eintretende erste kleine Erfolge macht es einfach nur Spaß Atemübungen u. Meditationen zusätzlich in den Alltag einzubauen. Das nach und nach entstehende bessere Gefühl macht süchtig... aber auch deine eigene Geschichte u. deine heutige Ausstrahlung spornen total an dran zu bleiben.

Ich fühle mich freier, entspannter u. vor allem glücklicher... ich bin verständnisvoller u. damit auch rücksichtsvoller meinen Mitmenschen gegenüber geworden ... meine Mitmenschen verändern sich mir gegenüber... manchmal kann ich sie mit meiner guten Laune auch anstecken ... alles macht irgendwie mehr Spaß und belastet sehr viel weniger.
Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
4.96 out of 5
"Der Notfall-Prozess gibt eine klare Anleitung, direkte Begleitung ein heilsamer Prozesses in der Akutsituation. Geholfen hat er mir zwei Mal bei starken Emotionen, die in Kontakt mit meiner Partnerin ausgelöst worden sind und früher oft zu Streit, Vorwürfen, etc geführt hatten.

Seit vier Wochen keine Eskalation mehr im Außen und Innen. Das ist sensationell!!! Stattdessen mehr Frieden, Freude, Energie - obwohl sämtliche Trigger in meiner Partnerschaft weiterhin da sind. Ich kann einfach mehr bei mir bleiben, mich besser regulieren..... Ich bin euch unendlich dankbar für dieses Programm!!!!!"
Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
What I like best is that I have tools to hand when I'm not feeling well.

I think it's great that the meditations are of different lengths, so I can spontaneously choose what is suitable and possible for me at the time. It has already helped me several times when there have been bad situations at home, so I didn't think about it any further and just did the emergency process.

It works really well for me, a big thank you for this great opportunity to work on myself at home and to have so many tools to hand, DAAAAANNNNKKKKKKEEEE
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
The combination of theory (workshop) and practice (meditation)! The deepening through the workbook and the Q&A. This makes it very sustainable and complete.

The meditations are an amazing experience!!! Life changing. I am so grateful for these experiences!

My uncontrolled feelings of anger are hardly there anymore. My partner notices that too. I can observe myself. It's very interesting to see when my inner child is controlling me.

Your program should be mandatory for every adult. Then the world would be so much better.
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
"I can go at my own pace and arrange everything so that it suits me.

I have established a beautiful connection to my inner child and can call it at any time, even without meditation, and work with it. I feel it and its needs.

I have understood the programs behind it and can continue on my chosen path accordingly and continue to deepen it. I feel less like a child and more like an adult and act accordingly. Thank you !!!"
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
Markus' manner is so human and authentic that I enjoy listening and following him. The emergency processes are super helpful. The way that I now first ask myself in many situations what this does to me, whether child or guardian is involved, has loosened many spirals of thought.

During the emergency process, I have the feeling, even though I'm online and cyber, that I'm safe. That feels good and the calm I feel after the process makes it much more relaxed to carry on. Although my inner child stubbornly refuses to show itself to me, I still find it wonderful to access it through my feelings and body

My relationship with my siblings has improved considerably since I started the program. That's great! I also find it easier to accept other life situations. I also feel better in relationships in certain situations that used to make me sad.

Thank you!!!"
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
I can integrate the program perfectly into my everyday life and adapt it to suit me as a mother and working woman.

I am often an observer of my inner child. Thank you for all the effort. I am very enthusiastic and it is worth every penny. Markus and Verena are doing a really good job with the program. I was able to accept the content very well and feel very well picked up!
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
09/25/2024Özlem W.
4.80 out of 5
"I am letting go of ballast, I feel lighter every day. I now see family disputes from a distance, can approach the situation as an observer and don't get emotional so quickly.

What I like best are the practical examples and instructions and the fact that Markus brings it to you very sensitively, like a good friend!

I have felt lighter since the first week or so, I can see that there is something behind everything, that there really is a lot anchored in forgetting in my reactions today! Congratulations on such a well-designed program!
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
09/24/2024Astrid W.
5.00 out of 5
"Overall, I am very happy to have started the program. It particularly helps me to get to know myself, to perceive and categorize my feelings. So far, I have gained insights that make me aware of my behavior and my reactions. I wouldn't have thought that possible. I have always asked myself: "What does it actually mean to be an adult? But the question has been on my mind my whole life. The clear answer for me comes in week 3 ... My inner child has not found an answer. I get on well with the structured structure week after week. Markus explains things very clearly, pictorially and comprehensibly. I also find it very easy to manage my own time. Thank you very much for your - Markus and team - great work!
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
Markus has such a pleasant manner and guides you through the whole program very professionally. I feel that I am in very good hands with you during my separation pain and fear of the death of my parents. I am becoming calmer. I become more positive. I get support. Keep up the good work!!!! I am really thrilled.
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
"I can finally sleep in the dark at night. That is such a benefit! Since childhood I have been afraid to sleep alone in the dark. It works now"
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
4.96 out of 5
" I think it explains very well and is very well structured what the inner child is. It helped me to understand what happened to me as a child. Now I can understand my inner children and can offer them understanding and security"
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
5.00 out of 5
Everything is explained clearly in the workshops and Markus' manner is calming and very emphatic. I've never done meditation before, but I'm finding the program a great way to approach it. Great program, beautifully structured. I wish I had found it much earlier!
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
4.96 out of 5
I feel totally addressed and am infinitely THANKFUL that I came across the transformation program by chance! They don't say there are no coincidences for nothing.... It comes to you what is due. And I'm very happy that it's my turn now. THANK YOU to the whole team for this great project! 🫶
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Customer review & rating for:
Dein Inneres Kind heilen
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4.90 out of 5
4.90 out of 5
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