Breast lift by liposuction
I (45 years old) have been bothered by my sagging breasts for a long time, but real surgery to lift them (with incisions/scars/anesthesia) just kept me from doing anything about it.... Still, I kept researching and looking for alternatives. Through this research I came across Dr. Alamouti on the Internet, who offers a tightening/reduction by means of liposuction. I then tried to find reports of experiences with this method in advance. Unfortunately, I did not really find anything. That and my absolute satisfaction are also the reason why I decided to share my experience here.
I then directly arranged a video consultation with Dr. Alamouti. In advance, I sent some pictures of the actual condition of my breasts to the practice for support. The conversation with Dr. Alamouti was very informative and all my questions were answered and my decision to have this procedure was made. The doctor gave me some "homework" to do. This was a preliminary examination (blood, general health condition, including ultrasound of the breast and mammography) and the task of getting me a girdle bra for the time after the liposuction. After everything was done and nothing stood in the way of my health, there was another conversation on site, where Dr. Alamouti took another look at my breast "in real" and assured me that the procedure would give me very good results. So there was nothing standing in the way of an appointment for the breast lift! Thanks to the lovely girls at the reception, I was able to secure an appointment for 4 weeks later.
On 02.12. the time had come... Of course I was excited beforehand and of course I asked myself "is this really necessary/do I have to do this - what if there are problems? But all these questions fell away from me on the day of the surgery and during the reception by the team and the conversation with Dr. Alamouti and I felt safe and in good hands from the first moment. From then on it was more a feeling of eager anticipation! Then came the part that was a bit uncomfortable. To loosen the tissue and also to numb it, a solution was injected into my breasts.... that was a lot of liquid :-) But thanks to the local anesthesia beforehand and especially thanks to the kind company of the assistant, who was always by my side, all this was no problem either. After an hour, Dr. Alamouti was able to receive me in the operating room with my pumped up giant breasts and the real procedure could start. With a probe, which was inserted through small incisions, the dissolved tissue was sucked out. The doctor explained to me again what this suctioning and loosening of tissue does. By healing these dissolved connections, the body manages to create new and again firmer, tighter connections during the healing process. So through this process, the breast tightens naturally. But during the procedure we also talked about everything possible else - where I come from, what I do for a living, etc.... The doctor managed to distract me with this and everything went by very quickly. I didn't have a moment of pain during the process - just a brief electrifying tug in my nipples a few times. That was it!!! After that, I had a tight tape bandage applied and my girdle put on. There were also some absorbent compresses, because the remaining fluid continues to leak out.... But that's not a big deal, just a little uncomfortable. My friend, who thankfully accompanied me, was able to receive me -after arranging a control appointment- and we went back to our hotel. I received a leaflet from the practice on how I should behave over the next few hours and days, and a note to report briefly the next day on how I was feeling. The rest of the day we took it easy to let me recover a bit. In the evening we went for a run and had something to eat afterwards. That was possible without any problems! The first night was not quite as restful, since I still lost a lot of fluid and was "lying in my own juice", but I also had absorbent pads from the practice and got through it well. The next day I could already start my journey home by train. I felt good - I had no pain, no circulation problems... Of course you can tell that something was done, but it was OK. I had imagined it all much worse beforehand! The healing process at home was still problem-free - no pain! And the result today - 3 months later - is absolutely great and I am super satisfied!
Here is my personal conclusion: Every woman who suffers from her breasts due to pregnancy, weight loss, menopause, etc., but has been afraid to have something done, this method is a real alternative! It has brought me back so much quality of life - I feel great and am super happy to have taken this step!
Many thanks to Dr. Alamouti and his great team!
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