Dear Stefanie, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful Reiki Level 2 weekend. It was an enriching experience that not only gave me new insights into Reiki practice, but also the opportunity to come together with like-minded people.
The atmosphere was consistently positive and supportive, and I really enjoyed practicing and sharing together. It is impressive how much energy and harmony we were able to generate together. I have already been able to do the 1st degree with you and was inspired for weeks afterwards.
Thank you so much for this weekend, which was so special for me, and for the always great and intensive exchange with you. I am looking forward to putting what I have learned into practice and hope that we will meet again soon, because I definitely want to learn a lot more from you. I am so happy and grateful to have found such a great teacher and companion. Sincerely, Heike Ebbing
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