I came to finfero because, in my late twenties, I had growing doubts about whether my existing insurance policies and assets even fit my lifestyle and goals, and I wanted to have them independently put to the test before taking out any more insurance indiscriminately (in favor of a pseudo sense of security and my broker's sales numbers).
In addition to all the "smaller" insurances I had taken out faithfully at my home village branch, however, I was still missing one crucial coverage that I had previously shied away from because of its relatively larger dimension:
Disability insurance. After another consultation with one of the major insurance companies, I was irritated by how superficially and flatly any smooth amounts were calculated for the insured event, without really addressing my lifestyle or specifically my profession (sports therapist).
After my pain threshold was soon reached, what monthly flows into supplementary dental insurance and Co., I was overwhelmed in my decision and was fed up with overly enthusiastic seeming, in sales talks through-trained insurance agents.
So I turned to Mr. Pinck/finfero to finally get independent advice and put everything to the test, where my interests are in the foreground and not the commission.
Completely contrary to my opinion that fee-based consulting only makes sense for those who are dealing with much larger sums and assets, Mr. Pinck took a lot of time for me and I never felt less important.
He picked me up where I stood and thanks to the very clear software, I was able, by now somewhat branded, to see for myself by means of the figures and reference values where I was underinsured, but also partly overinsured. This strengthened me immensely in my decision to take my finances into my own hands and to critically select what my strategy is for sustainable asset accumulation and protection in the event of an emergency. At no point did I feel pressured to immediately take out everything possible, but on the contrary - to prioritize what suits me.
In the meantime, I have concluded my BU (thanks to his DIN-normed licenses directly) via Mr. Pinck with a different insurance company than originally intended, where I have saved myself a lot of money on the one hand, but, more importantly, found a product that fits my standard of living (yet with foresight) and profession.
I am grateful that Mr. Pinck and his team (Mrs. Linnerer for her very reliable and quick answers and Mr. Pinck jr. for the evaluations) support me expertly and highly qualified in all questions, also by phone and by mail, to control my finances and insurances self-determined. The sustainable claim, as I have it in my patient:inside care (help for self-help), is absolutely reflected here and yet I am supported professionally.
The use of the software makes it possible to adjust and recheck the data at any time in case of changing factors. The independence, the high-ranking DIN certification and the high expertise absolutely speak for the necessary trustworthiness when it comes to finances.
The convenient possibility to manage and compare my assets via finfero are further absolute pro-arguments for me due to the holistic view and fixed contact persons who have insight into all policies and can and may put them into relation.
For me it was the absolutely correct decision to overcome the inhibition before the expenditure of a "fee advisor" in mine and to take it into the hand. Especially that also young, usually less wealthy people/students are considered in the offer mirror I find class and farsighted.
I would definitely recommend the advice at finfero.
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We are delighted that we were able to help you finance your dream property with our expertise and many years of experience.
We will continue to do our best to provide you with comprehensive advice in the areas of asset accumulation, financing and insurance.
With best regards
Your FINFERO team