It wasn't love at first sight, but I'm completely happy and satisfied! ☺️
Every interpersonal encounter is a two-way street. And of course it's best when two people meet warmly and openly right from the start.
I can understand that Dr. Ehrentreich can seem a little cooler at first. However, I feel that her reserved manner is one of her strengths, which enables her to remain relaxed and level-headed even in stressful situations. With her expertise and experience, she radiates a calm and confidence that I'm sure not only reassures me and does me good. Her clarity, certainty, concentration, empathy and care are undeniable for me. She always finds the right words to address even sensitive topics sensitively while maintaining a professional, respectful distance. I feel that I am in very good hands with Dr. Ehrentreich and can wholeheartedly recommend her! ❤️
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