Martina Rosenberg, author, journalist and entrepreneur, became known in 2012 with the Spiegel bestseller "Mutter, wann stirbst du endlich?" (Mother, when will you finally die?) and achieved a high level of media attention that continues to this
Two more non-fiction books followed, "Anklage: Sterbehilfe" and the guidebook "Wege aus der Pflegefalle," as well as the crime novel "Ohne Moral" in 2018.
In more than 40 media appearances and a large number of readings and lectures, she represents the interests of family caregivers and advocates for dialogue within families. She herself cared for her parents for around eight years, working throughout this time and at the same time being the mother of an elementary school-aged daughter.
More than ten years of work as a press and public relations officer as well as a press spokesperson in social welfare associations have also given her a deep insight into outpatient and inpatient care in the elderly care sector.